Page 9 of All Fired Up

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“Hey, sweetheart,” I greet her with a grin, earning a scowl from Jason and a pleased yet strained smile from Helen. I immediately reach for her, wanting to offer comfort even though I’m not sure what’s going on yet, but Jason steps between us, trying to stop me. Wanting to respect his role in her life, and appreciating that he clearly loves his older sister and looks out for her, I give him a nod to acknowledge both. But he needs to understand we’re on the same side and realize that the latter now falls to me. I hold out my hand, a sort of peace offering, my ears not missing the indrawn breath Helen takes as we wait for his reaction. I know whichever way this goes; she and I are solid. However, it’ll be a whole helluva lot easier if he’s okay with us. I already know my future-in-laws will be opposed to us, wanting her to marry a man of their choosing and status. I can handle that as she isn’t all that close to them because of their narrow-minded tendencies. Jason, though? She adores him and the feeling is obviously mutual.

Jason sizes me up, then glances at Helen. I don’t know what he sees that has him extending his own to shake mine and introducing himself, only that it isn’t enough to let me off the hook quite yet. “I may be younger and smaller than you, but that just means you won’t see me coming if you hurt her.” Helen says nothing, letting him have this as I promise him that I won’t. “She’s all I’ve got,” he admits with a shrug, the movement coupled with his statement revealing so much about his own strained relationship with their parents.

My response to this confession is not anything I’d planned as I wasn’t exactly sure what to say, but what leaves my mouth is the absolute truth. “Not anymore.”

Chapter Seven


February 14th…

Jason’s wariness about Grady has faded over the past week as he’s seen with his own eyes how good he is to me. Without it needing to be said, I know my brother was worried Grady would be controlling like our parents. Thankfully, that isn’t the case. He’s helped and encouraged me to be me, showed me that who I am and what I want matters.

It’ll take time for Jason to truly relax and realize he no longer has to fight the rules and expectations we had imposed on us for years. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll have it to reach that point.

Mom may have told me Jason was my problem now, her words not mine, but I’m not buying it. It feels like a trap of some kind. I hate that my mind goes there in regards to our family, that I can’t trust them as I should be able to, but I have to remind myself that isn’t because of anything I’ve done.

Since it seems as if Jason is staying for the foreseeable future – and beyond if I get my way – I called the school’s office to inquire about enrolling him. Being as he’s underage and I’m not his legal guardian, the first step is contacting our parents and having them give permission for his transcripts to be transferred.

I already know that conversation will not go well, so I’m delaying it as long as possible. In the meantime, Jason has shown an interest in what Grady does and asked if he could accompany him in the field. Seeing as how the jobs he was doing today were all fairly simple, Grady agreed. I’m hopeful their time together will rid Jason of any lingering doubts where Grady’s concerned.

Since Jason’s arrival, Grady and I have slept separately, staying at our respective places. It sucks, but we didn’t want to risk too much too soon as my sibling adjusts to numerous changes at once. Besides, knowing your sister and her man are serious is different than seeing it staring you in the face across the table every morning over eggs and bacon.

As Jason has varied between going to the office with us versus remaining at my home by himself while we’re gone, Grady and I have snuck a few interludes in where we can during work hours. Unprofessional, I know, but necessary. And only done when we know we’re alone and will be for a while, as well as being ahead in regards to business.

Tonight, Grady is coming for dinner as he has every night since the day after Jason got here. The difference is that he isn’t leaving afterward this time. Jason needs to see that Grady is it for me and to know that he feels the same. This is happening and we’re done avoiding letting him see that.


“You did good,” I tell Jason, biting my tongue to keep the kid part to myself. I remember being seventeen, recall how badly I wanted to be viewed as an adult. In my opinion, treating Jason as such could go a long way in how he sees himself. Yes, he was a bit childish in his rebellion back home, but he was in a tough spot and acted out in a manner he knew would get the result he wanted. It worked, so who am I to say he should’ve done anything differently?

“Thanks,” he mutters, hiding his face. I know he isn’t brushing off the compliment, he just doesn’t want me to see how much the praise means to him. Their parents seem like bad people based upon what I’ve heard, and while they very well may be, I’m wondering if it’s just a case of the old ways butting head with the new. That doesn’t excuse them trying to marry off Helen without giving her a say in the man she chooses. There’s nothing wrong with tradition until it impedes someone’s right to make their own decisions.

Not wanting to delay seeing Helen any longer than I have to, I’d brought a change of clothes, intending to clean up at her place. Some of my belongings have found themselves there anyway as hers have at mine. It made spending the night at the other’s a lot easier, negating the need to run to our respective home and pack a bag.

Jason is a hard worker and I want him to know I appreciate it. As he isn’t officially on the payroll, I hand him an envelope with cash from my own pocket. “For you.”

“What’s this?”

“What you earned today. There’s more where that came from if you want to do it again.”

“Are you hiring me?” The yearning in that question squeezes my heart. I would’ve liked him just because he’s Helen’s brother and she loves him, but that caveat isn’t needed. I do for who he is all on his own.

“If you want. We’ll have to fill out paperwork, make sure we follow the laws since you aren’t eighteen yet, but I’d be lucky to have you as an employee.” I swear he grows ten feet after that. Having pride in yourself is a heady thing and can make a world of difference. And if I hear a sniffle or two as we make our way toward Helen, I don’t comment on it. Nor does he on the couple coming from me.


“Dinner was delicious,” I tell Helen.

Jason snorts, reminding me, “You made it.” I grin, chuckling when he gives me a fist bump. Helen watches us, the sheen in her eyes a testament to how happy she is we’ve started bonding. I’m sure we haven’t jumped all the hurdles yet, but we have more behind us than ahead. The phone rings following that thought, and when Helen groans, I curse myself for tempting fate.

Jason’s face drops. “It’s them.” Helen doesn’t let him know he’s right as it wasn’t a question.

“You aren’t going anywhere,” I assure him. “Your home is here with us now.” He glances at Helen, the tension that had overtaken him fading, leaving him slouching in the chair with relief.

Helen hits the speaker, letting us all hear, and her dad begins talking. “You can’t keep him from us. He’s our son.” Jason snickers, clearly disagreeing with the sentiment.

“On the contrary, you both sent him to me.”
