Page 41 of Diesel

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“That easily?” His large hands force me to look up at him.

“Yep.” I raise a brow at him. We still stand in the middle of the hallway as classes continue just on the other side of the wall.

“Well it’s freaking everyone out.” The bell rings, and Diesel lets me go, taking my hand, walking us towards my locker to put my laptop bag away.

We’re the first to the cafeteria, Lux is next to join us, followed by Luna and Wilder, and the rest come in one by one. It’s overwhelming to be back at the popular table, I don’t dwell on it for too long. They are not my old friends, and I have to remember that.

“Don’t tell me the loser has to sit with us now.” Kelby exclaims, standing behind us. Diesel stands abruptly, his chair falling to the floor, and he kicks it so he can face her.

“Cyrus is mine, you disrespect her again, and you will be exiled. The only reason I’m giving you a chance is because your father is like an uncle to me, but do not cross me again.” His tone sends goosebumps over my skin.

Lux is sitting to my right, she stands up; clearly only I notice her movements. I see her fist clench as she spins around to face Kelby and throws a right hook straight into her nose. Blood pours from her face, and she screams. Taleah and Blaine scramble to get napkins.

“He may give you one pass, but I won’t. Cyrus is my friend, and I’m over your bullshit…damn, I have wanted to do that for a long time.” Lux says, rubbing her fist.

“Wait until my father hears about this.” She shrieks, holding her nose. Blood covers her hand quickly, Lux did a good job.

“I don’t think anyone here saw anything. I personally saw you run into a pole… Social suicide won’t suit you Kelb.” Cuyler says. “Blaine, don’t you agree?”

I watch her look between her boyfriend and best friend. “It doesn’t look so bad, let’s go ice it. Plus, it gives you an excuse to convince your dad to get you that nose job you’ve been wanting.” She literally stomps her feet, not getting the reaction she was hoping for.

“Ugh, watch your back, new girl. You won’t last, he will throw you away like the trash you are.” Kelby rants, walking away with Taleah and Blaine hot on her heels.

“Don’t hit her again.” Diesel warns Lux. She faces off with him, not the type to back down so easily. Clearly before I came here Diesel was Alpha, but maybe his inner wolf is slipping, and someone will try and take his place.

“Or what… you’ll exile me? I don’t care about social suicide unlike those bimbos.” Lux storms from the room, Ryot gets up and follows, hot on her heels. I can now tell the triplets apart, Rebel has two different coloured eyes, Ryot has his eyebrow pierced, which is a new addition this week, and that only leaves Rogue. Looking around the room, I notice we have an audience, everyone looking between their tablets and us. Wilder slides his tablet across the table with the Briar App open.

Trouble in paradiseis the caption with a picture of Kelby and Diesel facing each other.Our resident bad boy can’t keep his pack in check over his new squeeze. Makes you think he won’t be on top for long. Maybe the reigning king has gone soft. The higher you are to the top, the longer it takes to fall.

Diesel slides the tablet back to Wilder and stands up, turning to face the audience.

“If you think I’ve gone soft, try me. I protect what’s mine, Cy is mine, and she will be on top with me, if you want to challenge me it’s your funeral. And that goes for any of you.” He says, looking at his friends. “Fall in line and remember your place.”

Something weird happens, one by one the guys stand and do this weird guy hug. When it gets to Cuyler, Diesel pulls him into his chest and whispers into his ear. Cuyler nods, avoiding eye contact with me. They all just showed their loyalty to their leader. I can’t wait to be done with school.

When the bell rings, everyone leaves the cafeteria, the show clearly over. Diesel walks me out and Luna offers to walk me to class for some girl talk. Wilder and Diesel mumble something and go off, leaving us girls alone.

“Things with you and Diesel are progressing fast. It’s disrupting their whole badass vibe they had going, before you came here, they were all so cruel. You being here has changed everything, and I don’t know why. I should thank you though because now I get to be with Wilder, even though things are awkward with Rebel.” She sighs after saying his name.

“You like Rebel?” I question.

“I like them both, but Wilder and I have been friends for so long, I deserve to give him a shot. Rebel isn’t the relationship type.” I feel her pain, she is confused and hurting. Wilder's betrayal would have to still hurt her deep down. “I’m just so confused, and I know everyone thinks that I’m stupid for forgiving him, but he was my rock when my mum died. Coming here changed him, and I can only hope that leaving here will do the same.”

“I can understand that. Zeke was my rock when my mum died, I’m not sure if I would have been so forgiving if he treated me that way. But I don’t have him anymore, and Diesel makes me feel alive again. I didn’t think I ever would feel like this after everything that happened. I know I’m stupid for giving him a chance, but he is super hot.” She laughs, and we both giggle like little girls all the way to class.

I do mean it, I want to give him a chance. What do I have to lose? It’s only until the end of the year, then I’m free of this school, free of the place I grew up, and free from the shit I have put my father through.

Chapter Nineteen


I walk into my room after training and Cyrus is sitting at her desk, staring intensely at her laptop screen. I close the distance between us, leaning over the back of her chair, and I place a kiss on her cheek. She startles and looks up at me leaning over her.

“You’re all sweaty.”

“Did you want to come and help me wash it off,” I ask with a wink.

“Nice try, I need to finish this so I can send it to your uncle.”
