Page 61 of Diesel

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“I won’t fuck him.”

“Whatever it takes.”

I take a step towards Diesel, except Lux steps in front of me, her arm moves faster than I can react, and she slaps me in the face. I cover the sting with my own hand.

“It’s not what you think,” I cry, but she shakes her head.

“It doesn’t matter, stay the fuck away from us.”

I push past her and run towards where Diesel was, but he is no longer standing there. I make it outside, and he is nowhere to be seen. If he would just listen to me, I can explain that his father blackmailed me.

“You know a thank you will suffice,” I whip my head to the voice, and Sax is leaning against the building, smoking a cigarette.

“What do I have to be thankful for, especially from you?” I spit, not in the mood to get involved in his family drama.

“The recording of course.”

“That was you?”

“Of course, I tapped your phone,” he says, pushing off the wall. “It’s win-win, Diesel is no longer going to want you, and this will render any blackmail my uncle has against you void.”

“You’re an idiot, Mr. Briar will ruin me now, thanks to you. That is if Diesel doesn’t first.”

“Semantics, now you can run off and be free. Isn’t that what you said in your therapy sessions, that you just wanted to be free?” How the hell does this guy know so much about me?

“Did you see where Diesel went?”

He points towards where they go to have the bonfire, of course that’s where they would go. Before I get a chance to leave, Luna rushes outside and throws her arms around me.

“I’ll tell you everything after I find Diesel.” She pulls me closer but doesn’t speak.

“There is no point chasing after him. He won’t forgive you.”

I pull back from Luna and look at Wilder. “Since when do you care, you don’t even like me.”

“I don’t, I’m just saving you the trouble of embarrassing yourself anymore for Luna’s sake.”

I don’t heed his warning, I tell Luna that I’m going to find Diesel, and Wilder yells out that it’s my funeral.

When I reach the clearing, Diesel and a handful of Alphas are all there gathered around a newly lit fire. Rebel is the first to see me, and I cautiously watch as he speaks to Diesel, who doesn’t even turn to look in my direction. I inch closer, torn because if I out his father and confirm anything, that sex tape is as good as leaked. If I don’t admit what is going on to Diesel, I will lose him. When I first came here, I was okay with that; I didn’t even like him. Standing up to him was a thrill, it made me feel alive for the first time since Zeke died, and then when I started to get to know him, everything changed.

I’m surprised when I reach the Alphas that they let me through. I was expecting a verbal lashing.

“Diesel, can we talk?” I ask, and he ignores me, taking a swig of straight Jack Daniels.

“Why the fuck would I want to talk to you?” He asks, refusing to meet my eyes, his gaze stays locked on the bottle in his hand.

“I need to try and explain.”

He stands abruptly, turning to face me, and I can see all the demons in his eyes. The hatred that is spilling out towards me.

“Explain what, Cyrus, that you’re working with my father, or the fact that when I laid all the cards on the table, I said I would give this all up for you,” he spits.

“It’s not how it seems.” I cry, hoping he will just trust me, but that’s the thing with Diesel, he doesn’t trust easily.

“So you didn’t lie to me?”

“Not exactly. I didn’t disclose the full truth, but it’s complicated.”
