Page 62 of Diesel

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“A lie of omission is still a fucking lie, Cyrus. You know how much I hate my father, nothing you can say will fix this.”

Tears fall down my face, and he takes a step closer, wiping one from my face. “Please trust me.”

He laughs cruelly. “Trust you?” His hand whips out and wraps around my throat. “That won’t ever happen again, I let my walls slip, and that was a mistake on my behalf. I’m going to make your life miserable. By the time I’m finished with you, you will be begging me for mercy. How low you felt after Zeke died…” he says Zeke with so much malice in his tone, “will look like a walk in the park.”

“Fuck you,” I seethe. “It looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Fuck him and using Zeke to trigger me, I bring my knee up to his nuts as hard as I can in this fucking dress, and he stumbles back from me. I don’t wait to see him fall, I turn and run, kicking my heels off to make sure that he doesn’t catch up to me.

I make it to the road near where the dance is being held, I can still hear the eighties music. Diesel must not have chased after me, and I slow my run to a brisk walk, wrapping my arms around my waist. The light long-sleeved shirt I’m wearing under my dress does nothing to keep out the cool air. The days might still be hot, but the nights have started to cool down.

A golf cart approaches from behind, I can hear it before I step off of the road to avoid being run over.


I turn and see Emory pulling up beside me. “Are you okay?”

I shake my head no, I’m not sure I could answer him through the tears. “Get in, I will give you a lift.”

I slip silently into the passenger seat. Emory squeezes my knee, and while mildly inappropriate, it feels like it comes from a good place. “Where to?”

I shrug. “I don’t know, where can I go that’s far away from Diesel?”

“I know just the place. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry he found out.”

I gasp. “You knew?”

“Not for long, I’ve been on my brother's case about moving you from the boys’ dorm. He eventually gave in and told me what he was doing. He knows Diesel hates him and rightfully so. My brother is a complicated man, I don’t think anyone bar his wife actually likes him. He wants you with Diesel, but he knew if he asked him, there would have been a kick back. There always is. So he had a plan to dangle you in front of him and tempt him with a girl whose family was so rich, she wouldn’t care about Diesel’s family status.”

“But why?”

“You would have to ask my brother that. A business deal, control, or maybe hell froze over and he feels guilty for what happened with Belle and wanted to make it right.”

Diesel had mentioned Belle a few times but never went into much detail.

“What was it about her?”

“From my point of view, she was someone that his father had zero interest in. There was no ulterior motive, and he tried to keep their relationship hidden, but Sax fucked that up, and at the first sign of losing his trust, he used the information as a bargaining tool. Sax didn’t disclose when my brother went to Belle and warned her to stay away. He blackmailed her, and Sax was there to help her pick up the pieces as a fuck you to Diesel. She got pregnant with Sax’s baby, and Sax ran to his mother for help. She told my brother, and this time, he sent her away with a huge amount of cash and a warning to get rid of the baby. Sax was then sent to boot camp, not before shit hit the fan with him and Diesel though. Sax rubbed in the fact he slept with her.”

“Does Diesel know about the baby?”

“No, I doubt my brother or Sax would have told him. The dumb fool fell hard, and there was a risk he would run after her.”

“That’s really sad. This is why I hate money, it creates evil, and I can’t wait to be free of this life.”

We pull up to a stop, and I realise we are parked next to a small pool house. “Why did you bring me to Diesel's parents’ house?”

“I live in the pool house, but don’t worry, they’re not here. You can chill out for a while and decide what you want to do. Diesel doesn’t ever step foot over here unless he is visiting his mother or his father forces him.”

I nod and follow him inside. It’s small but cosy. He offers me something to drink, and I ask for water.

I retrieve my phone from my bra and stare at the screen. I need to call my father, my finger hovers over the keypad before I hit call.

“Cyrus, what a surprise.”

“Hi, dad.”

“What’s wrong?”
