Page 63 of Diesel

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“Everything. Is it true that you sent me here as a bargaining chip on a business deal?”

“Cyrus, it’s not that easy.” And I know that it’s not, because I willingly came because I was blackmailed. He sighs. “Baby, listen to me. Since I met Celine, you changed, and I thought that if I gave you time, you would come around. I know losing your mum was hard, it was hard on me too, she was my soul mate, the love of my life. But the drinking and partying was so bad that I had spoken to the rehab centre a few times, and when Zeke died, I thought I had no choice. I spoke to a friend, and he said a fresh start would be good for you. We spoke about doing business together a few times, but he told me about his son being lost, and a girl like you could help change him.”

I scoff. “I know what everyone thinks of Malcolm, but we have a reputation to uphold, companies to run, and families to look after. So maybe we did push you together, and I hoped that removing you from the memories of your mum and Zeke would help you find yourself again. Maybe I had hoped that falling for a boy could help heal some wounds.”

“They will never heal, dad. Zeke wasn’t just my soul mate, he was my reason for breathing. I know you think it's because I’m a teenager, but it’s not.”

“I’m sorry I thought that. What can I do to help?”

It’s now or never, Cyrus, tell him about the sex tape. Just do it, but I can’t. How many times do I have to disappoint this man? I want him to see how strong I am, to show him that I can deal with curveballs in life, and I’m not a weak little girl.

“Nothing, just hearing your voice is enough. And for what it’s worth, I hope Celine makes you happy, and I promise I will make an effort with her.”

“That means a lot. I can’t wait to see you. Celine and I are planning a getaway to the beach house over there.”

“That sounds great.”

“I have to go, sweetheart, but please know, everything I have ever done is for you.”

“I know, daddy, talk to you soon.”

“Talk soon,” he says before ending the call.

I lean back in the chair I’m sitting in, and Emory comes into view. “I’m sorry, I tried not to listen in.”

“It’s okay. Sometimes a girl just needs to talk to her dad.”

“I brought you a shirt to wear if you wanted to change out of your dress. That couch is also a sofa lounge if you want to go to sleep.”

“Thank you.”

I go and change in his bathroom while he sets up the sofa lounge. It doesn’t take long once I’m tucked in to fall asleep, wondering if this is the start of the retribution I deserve for Zeke’s accident. I deserve this and so much more. Karma at its best is what I convince myself before I fall asleep. My heart might hurt, but it’s way less than I deserve.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I wake to a pounding behind my eyes. The room is still dark, but the smell of a cheap bar fills my nostrils. I realise it’s me that smells that bad. I came back here after Cyrus ran off last night, and I waited for her to return. I drank a lot the longer I waited.

I sit up and look across at her bed that is still freshly made, and I know she hasn’t been back. I jump to my feet, anger coursing through my veins. She fucking lied to me and made a fool out of me.

The house is still quiet until I reach Cuyler’s door and bring my fist down on it hard until he opens the door, rubbing his eyes. I push past him and into his room, looking around, but there is no sign of Cyrus.

“Where the fuck is she?” I boom, and he just shrugs.

“How the fuck should I know, you forbid everyone to even so much as look at her, let alone talk to her.”

“And when have you listened to me since you met her?” I snap, lunging at him. He deflects and pulls my arms behind my back as we go down towards the ground, I must still be drunk because I didn’t even see it coming.

My face squashes into the shag pile rug, and his body weight keeps me stuck to the floor as he leans over me. “I don’t listen to you because she is the best thing that has happened to us in a long damn time. No matter the reasons why, it’s refreshing to find a girl that didn’t want to fuck us or use us for our money. Did you even stop to think about what your father has against her?”

“I don’t care what he has against her, none of it was real.”

“Bull-fucking-shit and you know it. You’re scared that you let your guard down again, but she isn’t Belle. Your father might have thrown her in your way, but don’t lie to yourself that it hasn’t been worth it. I have seen a change in you man, and it’s been nice. I really started to feel like we were friends like we used to be in sixth grade. Not this new version where we are each other's competition and future business associate.”

I give up my fight and sag to the floor.

“I don’t know if I can let it go,” I say deflated.
