Page 75 of Diesel

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“He has to have been dropped on his head as a child.”

Cuyler laughs. “I didn’t say it made sense to normal people, but he is acting on instinct, and maybe he doesn’t know why yet, but he will work it out when he takes a minute to calm down.”

“This is over Belle, I told him about it earlier.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. He didn’t love Belle, he loved the idea that his father would have hated it. Something that was his and no one else would want. He just presumed his father would let it run its course, but that’s not Malcolm’s style.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I ask, cocking my head.

“Because, deep down, he is a good guy, and he needs someone like you. I want to be selfish and run away with you after we graduate, but that is just putting a Band-Aid on our boo boo. We would have to accept reality, and it would lead us right back to our old lives.”

I don’t know what to say to that, I’m not just going to fall into Diesel’s arms with a simple apology or let him treat me like dirt either.Fix it,Malcolm's voice fills my head, and this might just be my chance. Though I’m one hundred percent not kidding about marrying some random person if it gets me away from the Briar family drama. Just as soon as I find a damn way to deal with this sex tape. Alex, Zeke’s older brother, says I should just let it come out. Zeke wouldn’t want this for me, but it was always Zeke looking out for me.

Sax is pushed back into Cuyler, and Sax turns his head towards me and sneers. “This is all your fault. You told him about Belle because Emory couldn’t keep his mouth shut.”

“You started this, you leaked that phone call,” I shout. Diesel walks over towards us and stands in front of Sax, blood drips down his eyebrow.

“I’m ending it,” is all Diesel says before he throws the punch that drops his cousin, and he is out cold on the ground.

The Alphas all start to move around the room and put the tables back in place. I watch the younger generations all move around the room wiping up blood, and Lux tends to Diesel’s wounds while Emory drags Sax and sits him up against a wall. Cuyler throws his shirt, tie, and blazer towards him, and they land on the floor. Emory dresses Sax the best he can, and Lux is reluctant to come and wipe his face, so much so she squirts something on him, and he wakes up yelling obscenities. She just laughs at his reaction.

Once the room somewhat resembles its normal state, someone unlocks the door, and teachers, including Miss Baron, storm into the room. I watch Emory move around behind students until he is standing side by side with the rest of the faculty.

Miss Baron demands answers, but no one will say a word. I’m surprised she hasn’t already figured out that the room is full of Alphas, and no one is going to talk.

Chapter Thirty-One


Cuyler has been on my ass about the fight since it happened. He has some theories about me and my feelings for Cyrus. And maybe he is right, but it’s too late now. I made it perfectly clear that she can never trust me, and it’s better this way. If she hates me, she will always be cautious.

Cyrus has slept like shit the last few days. I sit and watch her toss and turn for hours on end, only when she wakes from her nightmares do I pretend to be asleep letting, her deal with her own demons.

I’m seated in the back row of the bio lab when Cyrus walks in. She makes eye contact with Luna as she walks in, but quickly diverts her attention to the full classroom, the only available seat is directly in front of us. I smirk when I see realisation set in, and her shoulders slump.

The teacher must be running late, which works in my favour. I made sure to sit her close to the gossips. Everyone is still talking about her, and maybe she needs the reminder of why I’m at the top. I control what happens here, even after my fight, which seems to have furthered the gossip mill, and girls have been on attack mode online.

“Everyone knows she has slept with Diesel, so why would she sleep with anyone else?” One says.

Cyrus leans forward, and they all look at her wide-eyed. “Because he is shit in bed, and his uncle was better.”

Her comment has me out of my chair and ripping some scholarship kid from his damn seat. He scurries out of my way, knowing better than to argue with me.

“Can I help you?” She asks, batting her lashes my way. I will give her ‘can I help you.’ I grab her arm and pull her from her seat, the teacher chooses now to walk into the room. He opens his mouth to say something, but he thinks better of it. Cyrus just laughs and gives the class a little wave of her damn fingers. She fucking knew her comment about Emory would piss me off. She is back to baiting me, and I have zero self-control, even though I know it’s what she is doing.

I take her across to an empty classroom; most of the science classrooms have now been moved into the new building, and this one will eventually be refurbished.

“You think he is better than me,” I snap, and she just shrugs. It makes me livid just thinking about his hands on her body.

She leans against the teacher’s desk, staring at me, waiting for my next move. “You’re the one spinning this narrative, Diesel, so you tell me. Was Emory better than you?”

“I think if he was, you wouldn’t be standing here with me, dripping wet just thinking about what I’m about to do with you,” I slowly close the distance between us, and I don’t miss her slightly squeezing her legs together.

I reach her in three big strides, giving her no time to think. I spin her around and bend her over the desk, immensely grateful for these big ugly science desks. I kick her legs apart before I push my body against hers.

“You really need to stay away from me,” I whisper in her ear. She moans as my fingers skirt around her cotton panties. “These scream innocence, but we know the truth.”

She scoffs at my comment. I push her skirt up over her ass and kneel down behind her, pulling the underwear side. “You’re broken, but you will heal.”
