Page 9 of Diesel

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“Fucking asshole wants me to babysit Cyrus. Apparently her father is a good friend of his.”

“It might be easier to just do as he asks, we have so much on our plate this year and can’t afford to go to war with your father right now. It’s our senior year, let’s enjoy it and not let him shit on our fun. Fuck him, we can all keep an eye on her. She doesn’t seem like that much trouble.”

“I guess you’re right, and it’s just a few weeks. He said once we do the fights, some of the girls will be moved anyway, and a room will open up for her.”

It happens with a lot of seniors. If someone wins a bid in the first fight, a girl can opt to transfer to their school if they want to. Some that just want to be trophy wives will have their shit packed and waiting.

“Have you chosen your bids yet?” I ask Cuyler. He sighs.

“I know we have to put in three, but I have to fight for Blaine, her situation is fucked. If she doesn’t marry me, her father plans to ship her off to fucking Timbuktu and marry a man three times her age. The only reason that her parents agreed to me was because they are friends with my parents. Sax was her only other choice, but I can’t let that happen.”

“She isn’t your responsibility.”

“I know. I put down for Island, and I’m undecided on a third, I might just chuck in Lux, even though I have no intention of winning her. At least Ryot and Rogue will understand that.”

I have no clue who my bids will be; I have to read over my father’s files. See what options that I have. I need to make sure to check out her family history. I have no issues knocking someone up, but there is no way I plan to stay married to them. She can move in with my parents for all I care.

There was a girl I once could have seen myself settling down with, but her family wasn’t deemed wealthy enough. My father made sure that didn’t work out, just like he has with every aspect of my life. He wants me to be a carbon copy of himself, and he thinks that he is succeeding, but little does he know that I want to tear his shit down from the inside out. I could refuse and not take over, but honestly, what fun would that be.

Hendrixx saunters into the games room and walks over to us. We are in the process of converting this space to have our party tomorrow. We do one every year to welcome the new kids. Not that we let them drink, they mainly play pool or video games. The senior Alphas are the only ones allowed to drink here. I don’t need my father revoking that privilege either. So it’s limited to anyone over the age of sixteen. The punishment for anyone under that age drinking here really isn’t worth it. My father is brutal, and these kids know the deal and won’t want to get kicked out, since I’m sure their own fathers would rain down hell on them.

“I have everything set for tomorrow night. The delivery trucks will be here later today, they have to come across by boat. I have some of the newbies heading down after classes to unload and bring everything in.”

“Thanks Drixx, I appreciate it. We should all get over to campus. Emory might have a serious coronary if we don’t show up to training today. I just need to get changed before I head over.”

Cuyler says he is going to shower and head off to breakfast, his early morning surfs clear his head.

I take the lift up to my dorm. The living area is empty, and I make my way up the stairs to the bedrooms. Our penthouse is larger than the other floors’ layouts, given the kitchen and living areas are on one floor, and the rooms are up a set of stairs, along with the communal bathroom. Each room is large enough that it could have had personal en-suites, but really, our bathroom is set like a locker room, and honestly, I prefer the large closet space.

I scan my wrist cuff that only allows me access to this room. The door unlocks, and I open it slowly. There is no sign of Cyrus, thank god, but now that I know why she is here, I can at least move back into my own room. I have never shared a room with a girl before, I didn’t want to accidentally fuck her and then my father have my balls for it. Though even if he told me not to, I would have done it anyway. It’s just better to know all the details my father lays out, so that way I can find loopholes to fuck with him. I strip down to my boxer briefs and walk into the closet. Cyrus has hung all of her stuff, which isn’t much on her side. I grab a uniform that is pressed and hanging on the rack, and I also pull out a new tie.

Walking out into the room, I freeze. Cyrus is freshly showered and sitting on her bed, her hair wrapped in a towel and only in her underwear. I pictured her as a cotton panties type of girl, but the pale pink underwear she wears looks like silk, the kind you would wear for a boyfriend.

She rubs cream into her skin; she must feel me staring at her because she looks up and squeals when she notices me standing here.

“What sort of creeper are you just standing there watching me sitting in my underwear?”

She continues to ramble as she throws on her uniform and pulls on the school issued blazer. It’s the middle of summer, so no one wears them until winter, unless we have a special assembly, and they’re a requirement. I opt to wear the school slacks and long sleeve shirt, rolled up to the elbow. Which is now allowed after the student council designed a shirt with a button, arguing that it was business chic, and that the school needed to move into the twenty-first century with how this generation will dress. They had a solid argument and even letters of recommendation from fashion designers and businessmen from all over the globe.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, are you just going to stand around half naked?”

I look down and remember that I haven’t gotten dressed yet, that her rambling had amused me enough that I was happy to just annoy her enough by standing here.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her. “Does my almost being naked make you feel things?” I take a few steps closer to her, and she backs up. “Or are you a prude, have you never seen a man's naked body before?”

Her back hits a bedroom wall, and I close her in, my hands on either side of her as she looks up at me with her huge blue eyes and those damn pouty lips, ones that would look fantastic wrapped around my cock.

“I’m not a prude,” she says with a grimace, and I’m not sure that I believe her. She may have partied, but a lot of girls save themselves for marriage, especially ones that look like Cyrus. Desperate bitches, like Kelby, throw themselves at anyone who will take them, and for that, I am truly grateful.

“Are you sure?” I ask, running a finger down her face and along her collarbone and down to her cleavage, which is small and barely there. Her chest rises and falls before she slaps my hand away.

“I’m sure, I don’t like just anyone seeing my body. It’s hideous.”

“From what I've seen, you look more than fuckable to me.”

Whatever lust she was feeling disappears, and she ducks under my arm. “Get dressed Diesel or you will be late for school.”

I laugh in response and watch as she scrambles to grab all of her things before running from the room. I wonder how pissed my father would be if I actually did fuck her. A text pulls me from my thoughts.
