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“Kylie is your life. I understand. I don’t know where this will go. I just know I want to see you again. We can do that, right?”

I think about it. A small voice screams at me that I’m making a mistake. I push that voice away. Mason knows about Kylie and he doesn’t seem to mind that my life is complicated. I’m open with him from the start.

Besides, I can’t deny that I want to get to know him, too. I don’t know what it is about him, but I’m drawn to him. I want to know him. And at the same time, it feels like we’ve always known each other.

“We can try,” I finally agree.

“One day at a time, that’s all I ask.”

I nod. It seems fair. I can get out if it doesn’t work. And I don’t have to introduce him to Kylie. We can take this slow.

He smiles when I nod and stands.

“Let me get dressed, then I’ll walk you out,” he says.

While I wait, I spot a mirror in the hallway and walk to it. My hair looks terrible—the pinned-up hairdo is a sexed-up mess, now. I pull the pins free so it falls down my back.

When Mason returns, he runs his fingers through my hair.

“Ready?” he asks.

I nod and we leave the apartment, riding the elevator back down to the lobby. He walks to the curb and finds me a cab that will take me home.

“I’ll call,” he promises.

And this time, I have a feeling he will.

Chapter 11


“You want me to come shopping with you?” Jackson asks when he gets into my car. “What the fuck, man?”

I laugh. “It’s a gossip date.” When Jackson rolls his eyes, it’s comical. “I’m looking for shit for the restaurant. I found a wholesaler I’m checking out and you sounded bored when I called.”

Jackson snorts. “I don’t know if I’mthatbored.”

“You don’t have to come, jackass,” I say. Jackson starts getting out of the car again. “I just thought you’d want to know about my auction date.”

He freezes, groans, and sits back, shutting his door.

“You’re a dick for pulling the gossip card on me.”

I chuckle. “You can frown upon my shopping trip but you can’t deny you gossip more than any woman I know.”

Jackson mutters something and I start the car, pointing it downtown.

“So, was she hot?” Jackson asks.

I nod. “Yeah, fucking smoking.”

“You took her home with you?” Jackson asks, surprised. “I thought you weren’t going to let anything—”

“It was Natalie.”

Jackson frowns. “What?”
