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“Mason and I had a miscommunication and he ended up coming to the house when Sam was there. He thinks I’m cheating on him.”

When Dianne raises her eyebrows, I relay what happened.

“I don’t understand,” she finally says. “Why is this a good thing?”

“I can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust me,” I say. “What we have is amazing.Was.But how can we move forward if he’s set on thinking I’m out to deceive him?”

“People don’t usually think that unless they’ve already been in the situation before. Humans are reactive by nature, especially in negative situations. Maybe he’s been in a relationship before where someone betrayed him.”

“Maybe,” I say. “I guess it doesn’t matter, now.”

“Doesn’t it? From what I can tell, you’re serious about him.”

“Well, we get to know parts about people and decide if we’re willing to accept the cons along with the pros, right? I have to figure out which weighs more. And go with my gut.” As I talk, a lump rises in my throat and my voice cracks. I don’t even try to stop the tears from falling.

“Are you really ready to let this all go?” Dianne asks.

I don’t answer her, so she asks another question.

“Why won’t you talk to him about it, find out where he’s coming from? You broke it off in the heat of the moment, but I’m sure if you have a civil conversation, you’ll find out the facts.”

“It’s not that easy to have civil conversations, you know,” I point out. “Everyone always says to stay calm and don’t lose your cool and see the other person’s side, but when you’re there and emotions are involved…theory goes out of the window.”

Dianne nods. “You’re right. But there is a golden midway where you get to communicate, even with emotions present, to figure out how to move forward.”

I shake my head. “I’ve already figured out how I’m going to move forward. It’s better this way.”

Dianne studies me. “I would say that it makes sense. I’m all for open relationships and I’m always the one to suggest that if you can’t find a solution, then you should walk away. But something doesn’t add up to me.”


“You don’t look like you’re ready to walk away from this. Your words say it, but you don’t look like someone who’s done.

I take a deep breath and brace myself. Dianna knows her stuff. And she knowsme.

“There’s one thing I left out,” I admit. I worry my lower lip and feel like someone who got in trouble and has to fess up to her parents. “I’m pregnant.”

Dianne is shocked. She hasn’t been stunned into silence since I started seeing her, but she stares at me now, unsure what to say.

“Is it—”

“It’s Mason’s baby,” I confirm, knowing what she wants to ask.

“And you broke it off with him.”

I nod, and the floodgates open. Tears roll down my cheeks and I cry through my words. “I can’t do this to him, Dianne. You have no idea what pain this man goes through with his family. His dad wants his money, and he feels forced to give up his dream because he feels guilty about something that’s not his fault. I won’t be the person who traps him even more with a child he didn’t plan. This whole thing about trust and cheating…it helps me because I can use it to put things in perspective.”

“Or you could use it to force a direction.”

“You can’t tell me what I’m doing is wrong,” I say, shaking my head. I reach for the tissue box on the end table next to the couch and dab at my tears, careful not to ruin my makeup. Or what will be left of it after I’ve cried this much. “You can’t tell me I should go into a relationship without trust.”

“I agree with you,” Dianne says. “But trust isn’t the issue here, Natalie.”

I cry harder at that and Dianne waits for me to let it all out before she keeps talking. Her tone is gentle.

“You didn’t plan the baby either, you know. And he deserves to know. You deserve for him to be involved. You’ve done it all alone for so long—”

“I know,” I say, cutting her off. “I’ve told myself all of it, over and over. Since I found out I’m pregnant. But if I tell him, he’s going to do the right thing. He’ll step up and be there for me. He’ll be a father to the child. I just know he will.”
