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“He called you?”

“Yeah. And get this—he told me he always knew it deep down. He’s okay with it.”

“Really?” I ask. My heart warms for Sam. I can just imagine the relief now that everyone knows.

“He says we should wait a while for Mom to wrap her head around the idea, but then we should do a family barbeque and invite Ben.”

“That might not go over very well at first,” I point out.

“No, you’re right. But it’s better than what I thought might happen. As soon as we do that, you and Kylie are invited, of course.”

“We’d love to be there,” I say with a smile.

I’ll have to drop a bomb on Sam’s family at some point, too. I’ll have to tell them I’m pregnant. It has nothing to do with them, but if there’s another baby in the house, they deserve to know. Especially since they’re involved with Kylie.

The idea makes my stomach turn.

Kylie appears in the doorway in her fairy pajamas, a pink blanket wrapped around her. Her dark hair is a mess and she looks so much like David, my heart constricts.

“I have to go,” I say. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Have a good Sunday, sis.” It warms me that he calls me that. “And thank you, again.”

“Of course,” I say and we end the call. I hold out my arms and Kylie comes to me, clambering onto the couch with her blanket. She’s cuddled tightly against me; I drop kisses in her hair.

“You’re up early,” I say. “Did I wake you?”

“No, I was just awake. Who were you talking to?”

“Uncle Sam,” I say. “He had a big scary thing to do last night, and it’s over, and he feels better now that it’s out of the way.”

“That’s cool,” Kylie says.

I smile at the glimpse of her teenage years in that statement.

“Speaking of scary things…I have a scary thing to do, too.”

“What?” Kylie asks.

I take a deep breath. I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to deal with Kylie and everything that’s going to change in our lives, and I’ve decided to be open with her. It’s the right thing to do.

“You know how you keep telling me you want a sister or a brother?”

“Sister,” Kylie says.

I laugh. “Yeah, we can’t choose, unfortunately…but youaregoing to have one of those.”

“What?” Kylie asks, confused.

“A brother or a sister. Mom’s having a baby.”

“What!?” Kylie cries out, her face incredulous. “Really?”

I nod. She looks down at my stomach, and I laugh.

“Not right now. It takes a while to grow in my belly. But I’ll get bigger, and in a few months, you’re going to be a big sister.”

Kylie’s face changes from surprise to happiness.
