Page 13 of Lady Bits

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I openthe door to see my brother, Wesley, on the other side. Looking at the man, you’d never guess he used to be a priest. Arms covered from shoulder to wrist in colorful tattoos, well-built and maintained body, and even I have to admit, very easy on the eyes. He was a priest for twelve years before he gave it up when he met Jersey, the woman he says he can’t live without.

“What’s up, big brother?” I ask, stepping back and allowing him to enter.

I already know what this visit is about. The reprieve Jersey gave me is up, and it’s time I face the music.

I turn and head toward the kitchen, for some reason thinking I may need a drink for this talk. I go straight for the cabinet by the fridge and roll to my toes, reaching for the bottle of cheap whiskey I always keep on hand. I feel Wesley walk up behind me, reaching for the bottle easily when my fingers barely brush it.

“Thanks,” I mutter, switching direction and grabbing out two glasses. I don’t know if Wesley wants a drink, but it would be rude of me to not offer, even if he is my brother.

I keep my back to him as I pour a couple of inches into each glass, afraid to look at him quite yet. It doesn’t matter in the end, because Wesley doesn’t let me off the hook.

“How serious is this thing between you and Carter?” he asks, his voice still close behind me.

I turn with both glasses in my hand and hold one out to him. He takes his without moving his eyes from me. Before I answer, I bring my glass to my lips and gulp down half of the harsh liquid, grimacing when it burns my throat.

“At first it was just a fling,” I tell him and watch the muscle at his temple twitch. “But then I saw him again yesterday. We both agreed that we’d like to keep seeing each other.”

Wesley doesn’t say anything at first. He looks down at his drink and swirls the liquid like you see rich people do with expensive whiskey. His expression doesn’t reveal anything either, and not knowing what he's thinking makes me want to fidget. He finally tips his drink back and downs it in one gulp, then sets the glass on the counter before he looks back at me.

“Are you sure this is wise? His and Deandra’s lives are a shit show right now, and it’s probably going to get worse the closer we get to the trial.”

“I’ve never let gossip, rumors, or the actions of others dictate what I do with my life, and I have no plans to start now.” I finish off my drink and put my glass down beside his. “Do you blame them for what Douglas and Mark did?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

Although I had my reservations at first about seeing Carter because of his connection to the two vile people, I’ve never faulted him and his mother. I don’t see Wesley, as a former priest who still believes in a lot of the church’s values, doing that either. But he’s a lot closer to the situation than I am.

“No. I’ve never blamed them. They’re as innocent as the people Douglas and Mark hurt. But you’re my sister, and I worry about you being involved with someone so close to them. This case is getting bigger by the day and Carter and Deandra will be under the scrutiny of the public eye. Maybe not so much here in Silver Falls, but by the whole nation. If you’re seeing Carter, that scrutiny will filter to you. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

I close the gap between me and my brother, laying a hand on his chest and tipping my head back to look at him. “Thank you for the concern, but I’ll be fine. Just because Carter and I are seeing each other, doesn’t mean it’ll be long term. This thing just started, so your worries could be for nothing. But even if we were in it for the long haul, I would never turn my back on someone I care about. I have thicker skin than you’re giving me credit for, Wesley.”

Snagging a lock of hair hanging over my shoulder, he gives it a tug, his lips lifting at the corner. “You don’t need to tell me how tough you are,” he says quietly. “You’ve shown me many times over the years you can handle anything thrown your way. I just want you to realize what you’re taking on.”

“I do.”

He nods. “Okay.”

“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” I ask, unable to hide my surprise. “I figured you would fight me on this more.”

“Would you stop seeing him if I said I wasn’t okay with it?”

As much as I want to claim otherwise, my brother’s approval means too much to me to answer with anything other than “Yes.”

He smiles again and drops his head to lay a kiss on my forehead. “As long as you’re happy, I’m okay with it.”

My shoulders relax, not realizing until that moment how much I needed his consent. “Thank you.”

A knock comes from the front of the house, and Wesley and I both turn toward the kitchen door, like we expect whoever the visitor is will waltz right in, because let’s face it, our sisters would. Not to mention we live in a small community and it’s not unheard of.

“I’m headed out to meet Jersey at the animal shelter. She and Sam talked me into getting a dog.”

I laugh as I follow him to the front door. “You’ve been wanting to get one for a while. I think now is the perfect time.”

“This issue isn’t getting a dog, it’s getting only one dog, or just getting a dog. I have a feeling we’ll be leaving the shelter with more than one animal. Jersey’s been hinting she wants a cat too.”

When we stop at the door, I pat his cheek. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

The laugh dies on my face when I pull the door open and find Carter on the other side, looking way too delicious in a pair of dark-gray slacks and a black, button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. He must have come straight from work.
