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A wet kiss. His warm mouth. Strong palms that Anne placed her dry ones on top of.

“You didn’t even ask why I’m here,” she said, chuckling when they broke their kiss. He still cupped her face and leaned his forehead against hers. Water dripped from his chest and shoulders and onto her bent knees, pooling at her feet. His forearms wet her shirt, and his touch wet her everywhere else as she thought of his naked body still in the water.

“I just know you’re here,” he graveled.

“I tried calling. Have you seen any texts or calls today?”

“Not in the last few hours.” He seemed fully engrossed by her presence. “Another year begins, and I just … came here.”

She shifted her head back a bit so she could look at him. “Avery submitted a request to lift your restraining order and an update to her court filing. I don’t know what the filing says, but she texted to tell me that … basically, she’s not going to act against you because of me.”

“Are you sure?” He suddenly seemed fully alert.

“As much as one can be sure with Avery. I’ll get your phone.”

“No. Wait.” He moved his hands to grasp her forearms and stop her from going. “If it’s not the good news you think it is, then let me have this. Let’s have this moment at least.”

“I don’t want to go through another year without you, Finn.”

“Then you won’t.”

He caught her by her waist and pulled her toward him, half-lifting her.

“Finn!” she managed to call out, her voice echoing in the large space, before the echo of the splash she made followed. She was submerged up to her chest in the warm water, fully clothed, wrapped in Finn’s arms.

“Oh my God, Finn!” She laughed. Her back was against the pool’s wall and Finn’s mouth was already on her neck.

“That’s how I love you, sunflower,” he whispered into her ear. “All wet.”

He pressed himself further into her, catching her mouth in a deep kiss. He was already hard under the water even before their kiss became fevered, which it soon did.

It wasn’t easy to remove soaking wet winter clothes, but they managed it together, kissing and licking slick, wet skin. The water made her light as she wrapped her legs around him, leaning against the pool’s wall, as Finn pushed into her.

She wasn’t afraid anyone would walk in on them and wasn’t aware of the fireworks that exploded in the sky far above them. All she could feel was Finn’s hard, wet body against hers, inside her.

“Harder,” she breathed into his neck as he thrust into her. She needed to feel him even more than usual. He slipped his arm under her knee and lifted her leg higher, granting himself better access and leverage, and the moans this drew out of her reverberated around them.

“I missed hearing you come,” he groaned. “Let it all out. Come for me, Jane.”

And she did, making him come right after and pulsate into her clenching walls.

“Damn,” he hissed, his face resting against hers, as her head lulled back on the edge.

They breathed together, the water lapping against their naked and still-entwined bodies.

Only then did the sounds of multiple explosions reach her. The main show.

“Fireworks,” she said, still trying to catch her breath. “It must be midnight.” She couldn’t think of a better way to start the new year.

Finn tilted his head back a bit, and their gazes linked. He took her hand and put it on his chest. “I have all the fireworks I need right here. Happy New Year, my love.”

“Happy New Year, Finn,” she returned, lifting her head to meet him in a kiss.


“Are you sure no one will walk in?” she asked when they climbed out of the pool, fully naked.

“Too late to ask about that, but I’m sure.” Finn chuckled. He helped her collect her wet clothes and shoes from the floor, where they landed when he had thrown them out.
