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“Thank you,” Sophie said and picked up her fork. “It looks delicious.” Then to Honor she said, “I’ll fill you in later. Promise.” She hadn’t really processed all of it, her mind in dizzying chaos that made her pulse race. He thought she was beautiful.


“Will you tell me what’s up with you and Bryce?”

“Nothing’s up.” Honor shoveled a huge bite of eggs into her mouth.

Sophie didn’t push people to talk about things they didn’t want to. Especially if those things appeared to cause anxiety, and Honor’s pretty complexion had turned waxen.

“Thanks for all your help so far this week,” Sophie said. She looked over Honor’s shoulder toward the beach and sparkling water. Sculptors in today’s sand castle competition were already busy at work.

“Everyone is really pleased with how great things are going. You’re heading to the Town Stage Theater this morning, right?”

“Yes. I’m excited to kick off today’s series of films there.” The small, cozy venue a mile down Main Street was a favorite of the older surf legends, and many of them would be in attendance.

“I’ll introduce you to my great-uncle.”

“I had a feeling you might be related to Tucker Mitchell.” Tuck, as Sophie had learned he liked to be called, had been one of the best surfers back in the ’70s. “Don’t ask me why. It’s not as if your last name is really unique.”

“Just keep an eye on his hands.” Honor took a sip of her POG juice—pineapple, orange, guava, and very yummy.

“His hands? Why?”

“He likes to cop feels.”

Sophie laughed. “I don’t think I have to worry about that.”

Honor studied her. “You do, Sophie. You were pretty when you got here, but now you’re glowing. The beach agrees with you.”

The praise filled Sophie with gratitude. “I’ve sort of fallen in love with it.”

“Are you sure that’s all you’ve fallen for?”

“Shh,” Sophie whispered, not sure the shush was akeep it downor adon’t be silly. And since she didn’t want to examine that too closely, she decided it was time to get going to the theater a little early.

“You going to eat that piece of sticky bun?” Honor asked.

“It’s all yours. I need to head out.” She hugged Honor before she left and caught up with Midge to pay the bill.

Shoppers, beachgoers, and surfers freckled Main Street as Sophie made her way to the cable car stop for the short ride to the Town Stage Theater. Looking around the quaint street where old mixed with new, the funky and warm feeling the town called forth swept over her with the ocean breeze. White Strand had diversity, energy, magnetism she’d miss when she went back home.

The cable car’s bells rang as it came to a stop. She hopped on and was greeted with several “hellos” from strangers. “Hi,” she called back, delighted with the kindness. Her hometown might be friendly, but not like this.

She moved to the back of the car, wrapped her hand around the handrail, and braced herself for a stand-up ride. Just before the cable car jerked forward, more “hellos” sounded from over her shoulder. The masculine, sexy “hey” in return had her spinning around.


He strode right toward her, high-fiving the other riders who put up their hands. “Morning,” he said as he wrapped one arm around the handrail and the other around her waist.

“Morning.” Shealmostgot up on tiptoes to kiss him before remembering she couldn’t just do that.

Bouncing with the not-so-smooth ride of the cable car, though, caused all sorts of nice friction between their bodies. His gray T-shirt with some retro design on the front felt good. His gaze slid to her chest.


“Yeah?” he said, cool as a cucumber and tucking his chin a little tighter, eyes still in the downward dog.

“Are you trying to look down my blouse?”

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