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“Hey, Mr. Jones.” I smiled at him, thankful I’d worn my favorite dress today that accentuated my breasts without being too slutty.

“Hi, Norah.” He cleared his throat. “Ready to watch the boys tonight?”

I nodded. “Yes, I’m looking forward to it.” More than he realized.

“They’re excited to see you too.” He smiled and my knees trembled. I never realized glasses could be attractive.

The bell rang and I glanced at my watch. “Well, I better get to class. I’ll see you tonight.”

He nodded as I turned away from him reluctantly and made my way to my class. Jess had him as an English Literature teacher and loved him. She’d only had him a few days but she couldn’t stop talking about how hot he was and funny and such a good teacher. I had to bite my tongue every time, jealous she saw him every day.

But now I would be in his house almost every day taking care of his children. That was way better than having him as a teacher.

I ran into Aiden after class and he seemed to be over his shock of me agreeing to go out with him. We talked a little bit and now that he didn’t have to harass me to date him, he seemed to be a little bit nicer and not so obnoxious.

When school ended, I went to the twin’s daycare to pick them up. Mr. Jones let them know I would be the one picking them up most days. They jumped into my arms when they saw me, and didn’t stop talking the whole way home. It struck me how they were miniature versions of their father.

At their house, I used the key code Mr. Jones gave me to get inside. We had a snack and then went outside to play. They played alone on the swingset some while I did a little homework and then we played t-ball.

I heard a car honk in the driveway and checked my watch. It was five o’clock and I was surprised he wasn’t home yet. Aiden was here already to go on our date. He’d have to wait.

I took the boys around to the front yard to let Aiden know we had to wait for Mr. Jones to get home before I could leave them. He snorted and rolled his eyes, getting out his phone and not saying anything.

This first date wasn’t going so well and may even be our last.



There was a strange car in the driveway when I arrived home. Norah stood next to it with the boys riding their bikes around her. I pulled in and noticed Aiden, the captain of the football team and one of the few students on campus I wasn’t a huge fan of. I didn’t think Norah had a boyfriend, so I was surprised to see him.

Norah ushered the boys out of the way so I could pull into the driveway on my bike. She smiled at me and Aiden didn’t even look up from his phone. I parked the bike and boys ran over to greet me. There was nothing better than seeing them at the end of a long day. They got dropped off at daycare pretty early which was part of the reason why I wanted Norah to pick them up earlier for me.

“Hey guys!” I scooped them up and walked out to Norah. “How did today go?”

“Very good. Right guys?” She smiled at them and they nodded their agreement enthusiastically.

“Good.” I kissed them each on the cheek.

“Do you mind if I leave my car here? Aiden and I are going out.”

I glanced at the jock in my driveway. “That’s fine.” I could feel the muscle in my neck twitch in jealousy.

“Thank you.” She smiled shyly at me. “I’m going to get my bag and then we’re going to get going.”

She walked into the house and the boys started talking a mile a minute, telling me about their day and what they did with Norah. I tried to listen to them and not watch her leave with that boy.

The boys watched some tv while I cooked them dinner and all I could think about was Norah out on a date. She didn’t need a boy like Aiden. Even in my short time at this school, I could tell he was an immature asshole. Norah needed a real man that would take care of her and treat her right.

I listened and waited for her to come back for her car all evening. I put the boys to bed and she still wasn’t back. Granted it was pretty early and she was a high school senior, but I found myself getting more anxious the later it got.

What were they doing? Was he touching her?

I started pacing the house around ten when a car pulled up outside my house. I watched out my window as she got out and he peeled away. She shook her head as she walked to her car, looking up at the house. I managed to duck behind the curtain before she could see - or so I hoped.

I waited a few minutes before moving so she wouldn’t see me in the window but jumped out of my skin when I heard a soft knock on the door. I looked out the window but didn’t see her even though her car was still out there. I opened the door and she stood there with a sheepish grin. I looked her over - she didn’t look like someone that had just gotten laid.

“I’m so sorry to bother you this late but I saw the light on. I forgot my Trig book here and I still have a few problems left before tomorrow. I hope I didn’t bother you. I tried to knock softly so I didn’t wake the boys.
