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I waved her in. “No, I’m a night owl. You’re fine. Come on in. I did see the book but figured I’d bring it for you tomorrow. It’s on the kitchen table.”

When she walked by, I caught her scent and took a deep breath. “How was your date? Or wasn’t it a date?”

“Eh,” she shrugged. “I don’t know if you could call it a date. I thought we would go out but we went through the drive thru somewhere and went to his friend’s house. They played video games the whole time and ignored us girls.”

“Is that the way guys treat girls these days?” I gave her a crooked smile. If I took her out, I’d take her for a ride on my bike and then stop to watch the sunset before I brought her home and fucked her brains out.

I clenched my fists. I had to stop thinking that way. She was a student and my boss’s daughter. I would get myself fired before I’d barely started my new job.

“I guess. Honestly, I haven’t been on a ton of dates, so I guess I wouldn’t know.” She smiled and sighed. “I better get home so I can get this done or I’ll be up super late.”

I nodded and as she walked to the door, I stopped her. “Norah, that’s not how a real man treats a woman. You can do better.”

She blushed and ducked her head. “Thanks, Mr. Jones. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow, Norah.”

I stood at the door and watched her get into her car. I told myself I was being a responsible adult, making sure the young lady got into her car okay, but the truth was, I hated to see her leave.

This girl was going to get me into so much trouble if I didn’t forget about her.



The next couple of weeks, Mr. Jones acted differently towards me. He was nice enough to me, but he seemed colder. I realized he was older than me and my teacher, but I had felt a sort of connection with him. I guessed it was all in my head.

I threw myself into school and my relationship with Aiden. In addition, my eighteenth birthday was coming up. Mom planned a party for me and I was so excited. My birthday was on Wednesday, but the party was for the following Saturday. Everyone was going to be there.

I even mentioned it to Mr. Jones, but he said he couldn’t get a babysitter. He probably wasn’t wrong since I was his main babysitter, but I still felt like he was making excuses as to why he couldn’t come which disappointed me.

After all, when I turned eighteen, technically I was no longer off limits to him.

On my birthday, Aiden came with me to Mr. Jones’s house to watch the boys. My mom had given me a ride to school that day so he could take me home after. He had promised to get home earlier as we planned to go out to dinner to celebrate. The boys were outside in the swingset so I left him to keep an eye on them while I went inside and got them a snack.

While I was at the counter cutting them an apple, I felt Aidens arms wrap around my waist and he pressed against me. His lips were on my neck. “I can’t wait to give you your birthday present later.”

I rolled my eyes and smiled. We’d only been dating about a month now, but he pressured me every day to have sex with him. I thought about it, but I just wasn’t ready. Besides, when I thought about sex, I thought about Mr. Jones.

He started to grind his erection against me and I felt a little bit nervous. “Aiden, stop. The boys are right outside.”

He grabbed my ass. “Don’t worry. I locked the door. They can’t get in. I promise I’ll be quick. I’m sick of waiting for you, Norah.” He managed to lift up the skirt I was wearing and grabbed my panties, tearing them off of me. I started to struggle against him when Aiden was suddenly pulled off of me.

“I’m pretty sure the lady said no, asshole.” I turned around to find Mr. Jones standing with his hand around Aiden’s arm. We never heard him come in.

“We were just messing around, Mr. Jones. It was no big deal.” He yanked himself from his grasp. “Right Norah.”

I looked back and forth between the two of them. “I think you should just leave, Aiden.” I stood closer to Mr. Jones.

“I think that’s a good idea, Aiden.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stepped in front of me.

“But babe, what about your birthday?” Aiden pleaded.

“Please don’t call me that. I don’t think we should see each other anymore, either. Goodbye Aiden.”

His face started to get red and his hands clenched by his sides. He opened his mouth but Mr. Jones held up his hand. “I suggest you keep your mouth shut and leave. Don’t make this worse. And if I catch you near Norah again, you will have to deal with me. Don’t look at her, don’t talk to her, and don’t even think about her. Got it?”

Aiden didn’t say another word and stormed out of the house. We stood frozen, listening until the car had pulled out of the driveway and down the street. I started trembling, thinking about what might have happened if Mr. Jones hadn’t shown up when he did.
