Page 10 of Insatiable

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The beast stands, and I lean back. His red eyes set on me. Silence fills the air and I have to look away. “Can you understand me?” I ask in a small voice.

The beast moves, going into the kitchen. His plate clatters when he puts it in the skin. A door swings open and then slams shut. A quick icy draft runs down my spine. After a silent moment, I realized he left. The chair creeks loudly as I rise from the table and moves through the kitchen. Pushing open the kitchen drapes, I see the beast setting up a layer of wood onto of huge thick bark. Then I watch as he splits in half with the hatchet. The pants tighten around his hips and ass from the movement and his muscles budge under the t-shirt.

I swallow.

He could tear me apart… I need to get out of here and this might be my only chance.

There’s an old Victorian couch, empty bookshelves line the walls and a fireplace in the living room but seem also bare. I grab the first jacket near the front door, sliding it over my body. It hangs against my knees and covers my whole body.

It’s spring, but I might need it. I didn’t even know where I was, but out there is ten times better than in here.

As soon as I open the door, I book it outside. My body instantly rushes to the woods ahead of me, all the pain of my bruises along my back or the stone on the ground digging into my heels. The chilling air hits my wheezing lungs and I still keep running.

Leaves fly up.


I freeze at the noise… But really, I am unable to move.

Glancing down, A bear trap has its teeth embedded into my calf. My eyes widen as the crimson blood rushes from the wounds. A scream escapes my throat as I fall to my ass.

My hands shake as I reach to touch my calf. How do I even pry this thing off? Pain lightning across my entire body and threatens to fully take over.

Leaves shift and crack behind me and I can’t even look. This is it. Someone is planning to kill me. Either the monster or Rome.

The monster’s shadows cast over me as he bends to touch my leg.

“Don’t! Don’t!” I panic.

His eyes meet mine. Tears are rushing down my face, but I can’t figure out how to stop them yet.

“On the count of three.”

I freeze… his voice. It’s deep and memorizing. He speaks…

“One…” He says.

“No,” I counter.



He doesn’t say three, instead he releases the bear trap which makes me cry out. I shut my eyes, willing the pain to go away, but then I feel something wrap around my ankle. My eyes open to see him tying my ankle with his t-shirt. Now his upper half is bare, showing all of his fur.

He scoops me up into his arms, pressing me into his warm chest. I freeze… This shouldn’t bring me comfort. But the pain makes me grip onto his fur.

Air swirls around me and dead leaves crinkle as they fill the air. They wrap around us like a tornado wrapping around its victims. But then the colors of the forest blend and suddenly it’s gone with a jolt. I blink, looking up at the old Victorian style mansion. He… transported us… to the house?

When he enters the house, my hand balls in his hair when he sets me down. He slowly pulls away as if he doesn’t want to hurt me anymore. After he moves up the stairs, leaving me alone, but it doesn’t take him long to come back down with a kit. Sitting at my feet, he unwraps my calf and ankle. “Did you do it on purpose?” I snap.

His red eyes glance at me.

“You like to torture your meat before you eat?”

He ignores me, getting to work stopping the blood. His touch is soft and light, as if he cared not to hurt me.

“Why won’t you talk to me?” I ask. “Why did you kidnap me?”
