Page 9 of Insatiable

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My eyes flutter open and I’m greeted with a headache and a room I’ve never seen before. My body aches as I slowly sit up. This looks too big to be a part of my community. The room has a bed larger than I’ve ever seen. It swallows me entirely. Yet, it still doesn’t fill the room. There’s dressers and a few doors leading to God knows where.

I crawl over the side of the bed, throwing back the covers. Standing, I feel the stiffness of a bandage wrapped around my torso. I lift my gown a bit seeing bruises all over my thighs.

My stomach hits the ground. Was… Was I raped? My fingers touch my pelvis, but I feel no pain in or on my vagina… I think, I’m okay.

Then I remember the words Rome said before I passed out. Had that thing interjected?Who saved me? Where they able to stop the creature?

Slowly, I move to one of the doors and tug it open. But it happens to be the bathroom, with a large tub that goes into the floor. Whoa. Whoever lives here has to have money.

I move to the next door in the room and open it. I step out into the hallway, burring my cold feet into the carpet. Following the hall, I try to find where the stairs are too, maybe leave or go downstairs. When I finally find them, I smell the sweet aroma of bacon. My stomach growls loudly. I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning.

Slowly, I move down the stairs and step into a beautiful dining room. I follow the smell like a bloodhound until I find the kitchen. I freeze. A large… thing stands in front of the stove, cooking.

My heart beats in my ears as I step backwards. Black fur covers its body, peeking through its short sleeve shirt and tight dress pants. Horns curling around it’s pointed ears.

It is the monster, dressed like a human.

Stepping back, I trip on the rug behind me, falling to my ass.

It turns, showing off its pure white skull head. My eyes widen and suddenly frozen.

He… it sets down the pan and moves to me. I don’t even back up. I accept my fate. I was his offering. His finger—that were claws, but now are somewhat normal—wrap around my waist and he lifts me. My hand grabs his wrist, feel the fur. It’s soft, like wolves’ coat. I stare up at him as he sets me on my feet. The monster is at least three to four feet taller than I am, causing me to have to tilt back to look at his glowing red eyes through the holes of his skull.

Is he… human under the mask? It has to be a he, right? By the way, he’s dressed. Or do I call it a it?

He pats my head and walks away to the kitchen.

I blink. Did he just… pat me? “When are you going to eat me? Just do it already.”

He ignores me, continuing the cooking. I’m talking to an animal… human thing… I know he understands me.

After a moment, he plates the food and moves back out to the dining room. I back up a step to avoid getting hit… or eaten. He sets down a glass and the plate. He motions for me to sit down.

What? He wants me to… sit with him? Just run, Artemis. Don’t you dare sit down with the boogie man…

I swallow. “Do you normally feed your meals?”

His red eyes move to me. They aren’t human. They are like two lasers looking straight at me.

Quickly, I sit down, fear he might just eat me whole right now, if I don’t do what I’m told. After a few minutes, he sits across from me in a throne-like chair with his food.

“I thought…”

He looks up.

I clamp my mouth shut really fast. Don’t say anything to anger the large monster in front of me. I watch him eat, eyes on his plate. His mouth moves to put food in, red tongue able to be seen. After chewing and swallowing, his long red tongue swipes over his… lips. I guess it’s the top jaw and bottom. His eyes move to me and something heats in my stomach.

I panic, looking down and quickly shoving bacon into my mouth. I guess dying of poison is better than being eaten. When I get to the pancakes, I moan. Our pancakes have never been this tasty. They are fluffy, full of butter and milk and even chocolate chips. We couldn’t eat much of this stuff at home, especially not the chocolate chips.

His eyes are on me again.

Clearing my throat and looking away, I say, “Sorry…”

He makes a noise, which sounds like a slight chuckle. Well, I like to think it is one.

A small smile curls on my lips but quickly, I push it away. I shouldn’t be happy. He kidnapped me. Now, he’s trying to fatten me up, so he can eat me. Call me pancakes because I’m going to be this beast’s breakfast tomorrow.
