Page 25 of Insatiable

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I freeze, trying to process what I just heard and where I heard it. It sounded far away as it sounded a bit muffled.

The scream comes again, this time a bit closer and I can tell now it’s a female scream.

Slowly, I get to my feet and peer out the window. It’s not dark outside, sun is shining through the trees, but I see nothing in sight. Just the shed around the side a bit and layers and layers of trees.

“Help me! Please!” A voice screams. My eyes follow into the tree line. I think that’s where it’s coming from.

Sunshine will help her when he gets back. I don’t need to be going deep into the woods for a stranger.

“Please! Help!”

Fuck. What if she’s on a trap? I bit my lip, moving quickly to the coat rack and throwing on a sweater, Sunshine had gotten me. I step outside, feeling the spring breeze hit my face. The grass feels cold under my bare feet, but I have no shoes here. Lifting my face to the sun a bit, I wait until the scream comes again, pinpointing it.

This time, it’s a pure painful screech.

I take off, running with a slight limp. Luckily, this time I know where all the traps are, so I don’t run into them. The scream is endless now and the closer I am, dodging trees and fallen logs.

Yes, Artemis. Let’s go towards the screaming dying women. She could be getting mauled by wolves or bears. And how was I supposed to help? I’m not a seven-foot monster with the strength of a jolly green giant.

The scream suddenly sounds like it’s on top of me and I freeze as soon as the screaming stops. I have no idea where I am. There’s a large lake I’ve never seen before in front of me with a lot of trees surrounding it.

“Come…” An elegant voice says.

My blood runs cold and my spine stiffens. The voice - the same one that was screaming - just came from the lake in front of me.

“Come closer.”

Without thinking, I step closer, feet digging into the harsh cold sand.


Another step and my toes touch the freezing water. My heart is pounding in my ear like a set of heavy drum and my hands are shaking. Something bad is going to happen, yet I can’t move myself away.

Water splashes against my toes and I look down.

A hand grips my ankle from the water and before I can react, I’m pulled at fast speed. My head slams against the ground, making me gasp. Then my body hits the icy water like a bag of bricks.

I try to kick and push myself to the surface, but something has a tight hold on me. Panic sets in as I suck in more water. My lungs tighten and I try to cough it out, making it worse. My eyes roll back as hot lava enters me.

My body runs limp as I begin to give up. What had a hold on me? Agony wraps his arms around me. My mind is clouded, and I can only focus on the pain.

Unwillingly darkness comes for me as I suck more water in. My last moments, all I can I think about him… His soft fur, his deep voice, his laughs. My monster. He can’t save me now.

After a brief moment, I feel hot lava climbing my throat and my body rolling over onto the sand. How… How did I escape? The lava comes up again and I puke up all the water then the food I had this morning. Warmth presses into my side as a voice comes, “I got you, baby. I got you.”

Who? What? I blink, shaking badly from the cold air. “S-Su-”

“Shush. Stay quiet.”

I feel him pull me against him and I look up. It’s not my monster. It’s some… guy.

“Ezekiel? Why did you save that human?” a female voice says.

Who? Who is Ezekiel? My head whips around and I meet eyes with a… creature in the water. Her hair is long and golden, clinging to her scaley body. Her face is taunt, and eyes are pure white. Sharp teeth hang over the bottom and top of her lips. What was this thing? I push myself into the guy, picking him over her.

A growl that sounded like Sunshine’s erupts from his throat and I feel fur pickling against his skin. My tired eyes look up to see the guy’s eyes turn a deep shade of red and horns coming from his head. “If I ever see you again, Sabrina, I’ll kill you where you stand and eat you.”

I feel my body get lifted and when I open my eyes again, it’s my monster holding me. The wind arounds us picks up, wrestling the leaves into the air. My eyes close for a moment, and then heat hits my body. With one hand, Sunshine throws the blanket from the couch on the floor. “Ezekiel?” The name is foreign in my mouth.
