Page 9 of Hell's Reaper

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“Uh... You’re not coming in?”

“And deal with his wrath? Fuck, no,” he says, but there is a smirk on his face as he leads the group down the front stairs.

My lips part as I look at his wide strong back. He’s changed. A lot. He was small and scrawny as a child and now he’s big and broad. “It was nice... seeing you again, Khaz…”

He pauses but doesn’t look back. I know he’s hurt that I left because I never explained why or even said goodbye. As much as I joke with him, I missed him every day. We were best friends. “Whatever. Bye, Asura.”

I roll my eyes, waiting for them to go back down the pathed hill to the Styx River. After a moment, I move inside of the castle to my father’s throne room.

The throne room is made of pure black obsidian covering the floors, walls, and ceiling. Rainbows dance across the black floor because of the stained glass, and the flames burn brightly outside. My father sits at the highest and largest velvet throne at the head of the room. My three brothers sit beside him with two on one side.

Stepping in the middle of the room, I lift my chin high. “Father…”

He stares at me in his pure demon form. His large horns extend farther than his head and body. His entire body is a deep red, almost nearing black. His black eyes stare at me. I can literally see steam coming out his nose with every huff. He stands, gripping the arm rest. “Asura... You left your duties, went off to Earth, became a... stripper… and—”

I wince at “stripper.” Not something you want your father to know. But I am twenty now, so I was and am an adult.

He huffs a harsh breath before his shoulder’s sag. “And I missed you, my little diaboli!” He throws his arms up.

A smirk runs across my lips as I drop my bag and move to him.

He captures me in his large warm arms, enveloping me. “I missed you! Were you eating well? Did you drink enough water? You must have had it so hard!”

Derrick, the second eldest, scoffs. “You would think she’s the baby with how much she gets away with.”

“Oh, nonsense! Kids sometimes must find themselves before they become the Emperor of Hell. I did it!” my father says, setting me down.

Finally, I breathe out.

“I ran from your pop and actually met a lot of cute females.” My father sits. “It’s normal for heirs to get cold feet.”

I swallow... Yeah, cold feet. “You can yell at me, Dad. I left without even saying goodbye.”

Derrick stands, eyes narrowing on me. “And she injured multiple reapers! She created havoc and she’s getting away with it. Punish her!”

My father cocks a brow. “How?”

“Whip her. Ground her. Something! Be a father, not a friend.”

“That’s enough from you, Derrick. You’re excused.”

My brother’s eyes narrow on me before he turns away. His dark hair plops against his forehead and sharp ears with each step. Derrick is half demon and half elf, and when his mother passed, he came to live with us. He’s hated me since day one and the feeling is mutual. It seems like he’s definitely gotten worse than he was in the last two years. He huffs before he and the rest of the siblings leave.

Fenric, the youngest, catches a sneak peek at me before the door closes behind them. A smirk runs across my face.

“I should punish you. Do you know how worried you made me?” my father says, voice stern again. He can change his emotions quickly.

I let out a sigh. “I just thought…”

He waits for me to continue, but I don’t. He’s always been so patient with me. That’s what made him a good ruler. I could never be like him. He keeps Hell and the supernatural beings that live here in line. “Do you want to be the heir, Asura? You are set to claim the throne in the next few years or so.”

Or so? With a sigh, I speak, “You’ll always be the best ruler. You have solved so many wars and run Hell so well. I can never amount to the man you are.”

He chuckles. “Well, you’re not a man.”

I smile, but instantly hang my head.

My father sighs, standing and shifting into his human form before standing in front of me. His hair is slicked back, silver from age. His dark eyes run over me as he moves close. My father is a tall man no matter what form he’s in. Running along his ivory skin are the flames of Hell. They swirl into symbols, burning a bright auburn with power. “What did you see, my child?”
