Page 9 of Hell’s Flame

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“I doubt he’d let me go alone, anyway.”

My father nods, moving back around the desk and going to his computer. I watch him, glancing at the swirl of blazing magic circling his wrist.

The Flame.

Its swirls stay in the same place, but I can see the flow of magic rushing through them. My father always said the rulers of Hell were made to rule. My father was among them, being one of the best. He ran Hell almost perfectly. Whenever the Shadow World was low on souls, he transferred some from Hell. He dealt with all the battered souls, and the ones that got mixed up and went the wrong way. I will never be even half of the ruler that he was. “Are you okay?” He looks up at me.

I give a nod. “I’ll see you later, Dad.”

Flashing a smile and puppy dog eyes, he says, “I love you, diaboli.”

“I love you, too.” I open his door and close it again behind me.

Ledger cocks a brow at the smile on my face. It had to be that; my father’s office is soundproof.

I jerk my chin toward the huge front doors. “Are you coming with me?”

He gives a nod. “I was given an order to keep you safe and in my sights.”

With a roll of my eyes, I lead the way outside. The outside looks like it normally does, rocks climbing the cliffs and rushing of molten lava down below. I see the tall stature of a Shadow Guard that blends in with the ground and background and watch as two Shadow Guards start to follow us. They are nearly invisible and can barely be seen unless you look for them, or unless you are like Ledger: a hound.

His eyes find the guards before we move to our car. “Are they…”

“Following? Yes. Sorry.”

He shrugs. “Less work that I have to do.”

I climb into the front seat and Ledger gets in the passenger side. When we drive to the gate, I call to my powers, opening the portal to the Shadow World and then going through it. We end up near that café Hazen took me to with Jigsaw, and the hotel isn’t too far from there. I stay silent the whole way. Ledger speaks first, breaking the silence.

“You know, he likes you.”

I throw my hands up. “How come everyone likes me? Who ishe?”


My eyes glance over and tease him. “Do you like me?”

“Yes,” Ledger says.

I was joking. It feels almost weird to have a man tell me he likes me. I just… never cared to look at someone that way, and no one wanted to date the Devil’s daughter. Those who did never had the guts to tell me. All my life—even though it doesn’t feel like it—I have been training to be the Queen. I was taught the rules of hell until I saw them in my sleep. I was trained to protect myself or to let hellhounds give their life for me. Boyfriends shouldn’t have been a thought, but I wondered a lot what a boyfriend—now two—would be like. I doubt either of them could be considered to be my boyfriend.

I pull into the hotel parking lot, park the truck, and text Hazen. Hazen gives me the room number, and as we are walking through the motel, I see him standing outside the room door. He looks a bit like hell. His brown mohawk is messy and his silver-blue eyes are squinting as if the light is hurting him. Despite that, he has a smile on his face as soon as he sees me. He has stretched ears and spikes throughout the top of his ears. His nose is wide with piercings. He’s in shorts and a tank top, showing off his muscles and lean body.

My eyes run up and down his body, smirking.

“Morning,” he says with a smile, grabbing my waist and pulling me close. “How are you?”

“Fine. You?”

He shrugs, yawning.

“Is this where you are now staying, Haze?”

He nods. “Kind of. We don’t have a home to go to while the academy is down.”

I swallow. I almost forgot that he was an orphan, but he said… “We?”

He yawns again, pushing open the door.
