Page 104 of The Devil You Know

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“That’s her!”

“Go get him, girl!”

I wave as I rush to where he’s waiting for me. My heart pounds hard with a mix of adrenaline and excitement.

When I finally reach the tree near his dorm building, there’s a small crowd watching. I stuff my phone in my back pocket and take in what he put together for me. The colorful notes are even more vibrant in the afternoon sunshine. I spot Jackson and Simone filming my reaction.

Everyone falls away once my attention locks on Cooper. South Bay’s hometown heartthrob has eyes only for me. He’s everything I’ve ever needed. He stares at me, holding out a hand.

My feet move, taking one faltering step, followed by another until I break into a run. I crash against him and he lets out a gust of air, strong arms locking around me. Distantly, I’m aware of people clapping and cheering. I bury my face in his chest and tears spring to my eyes at his comforting scent.

“Hi baby,” he whispers against my hair in a gravelly tone. “I missed you.”

Clinging to the back of his shirt, I lift my head to meet his eyes. They gleam with happiness and relief.

“You told three million people you love me before telling me, Cooper Vale?”

Out of all the things I want to say to him, those are the first words to fall from my lips.

He gives me that swoonworthy dimpled grin I love so much and cups my cheek. “Go big or go home, right? You’re my everything, so I had to go big to make sure you finally saw me as I wanted you to.” My eyes flutter when his thumb brushes my skin affectionately. “I’m sorry.”

“Me too.” My grip tugs on his shirt. “I wanted to talk to you at the party, but you were gone. I was going to come tell you today, but then Simone sent me one of your posts.”

His warm brown eyes bounce between mine. “I want to keep you, Tate. If that wasn’t obvious after all this, that’s what I was going to tell you at the hotel. I want you to be mine for real this time.”

I huff and slide my hands up his back to his shoulders. His arm tightens around my waist. “I can’t believe we were both ready to go all in a few weeks ago and both of us put ourselves through this misery of missing each other like crazy, and for what?”

His sharp jaw goes slack. “Wait, seriously?”

“Yeah. I’m in love with you, too. I wanted to tell you when we went to L.A.” My brows furrow in resignation. “I thought there was no way you felt the same.

He pushes his face into the crook of my neck, grumbling unintelligible words. He mouths at my skin and I gasp, shuddering against him.

“Coop. People are watching this.”

“Just showing them all you’re my girl.” He lifts his head and smirks. His fingers thread into my hair and tug lightly. “So you gonna answer my question or not?”

“Be crystal clear with me this time so I don’t assume you mean something else,” I tease.

He rumbles, hovering his mouth over mine. “Be my girlfriend, T?”

I grin. “Yes.”

The hushed agreement barely leaves me before he kisses me. I melt against him, swept up in my favorite feeling in the world.

“There you are,” he says when we part. “I have about a month’s worth of kisses to make up for, so I hope you’re ready.”

I can’t stop smiling. “With our average number of kisses to hours we see each other through the day ratio, my lips might fall off. How will we fit time to study for finals in?”

“Nah, I’ll always take care of you.” He steals another quick kiss, then one more. “Your lips are in good hands.”

A fake gagging sound draws my attention from Cooper to my brother standing nearby. Simone elbows Jackson and gives me a thumbs up. My gaze moves around the heart notes surrounding us.

“All those notes you left me made my day. I’ve kept them all.” I reach out to touch the closest one while he splays a hand on my lower back to keep me in his embrace. “When I didn’t see one today, it almost threw my groove off. Thanks for the new notebook, by the way. It’s really cool.”

Cooper regards his creation with pride gleaming in his eyes. “You’re incredible and I wanted everyone to know it.”

Warmth expands in my chest. “I really love you.”
