Page 107 of The Devil You Know

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We’ve been practicing in shallow water after graduating from learning the techniques to move her arms and spring from a horizontal position to getting upright once she catches a wave on the sand.

She gives me one of her cute, determined little nods. “You’re a good teacher. I’m just visualizing the kind of wave I want.”

I chuckle, splashing her with water to break her concentration. Leaning over, I steal a kiss, letting another good wave pass by because there’s nothing that keeps my attention more than her.

“Don’t overthink anything, just go for it,” I murmur against her mouth.

She hums, eyes hooded and focused on my mouth when I pull back. Smirking, I tug the nose of her board toward me so she doesn’t have to swing all the way around when she picks her wave. I know the moment she spots one, a spark lighting up her eyes. Her lips part and she checks with me. I nod in encouragement.

“Show me what you’ve got, T.”

Her bright smile is my own personal bottled sunshine, the warmth piercing my chest. “This is exciting.”

An amused breath puffs out of me while she stretches out on her board, her ass looking good enough to take a bite out of. I follow suit, planning to catch the wave with her in case she needs to bail. I’ll be with her every step of the way, always ready to support her and care for her. She peeks back at the approaching wave once she has her board pointed to shore and starts paddling with her arms before I prompt her.

My lips twitch and my heart thumps. Good instincts. She’s a natural, great at assessing the potential for an excellent ride. The wave begins to crest and years of muscle memory takes over. I look over just in time to watch Tatum pop up on her board once we’ve got enough momentum and grin.

She holds her arms out for balance, concentrating on the shore. I whoop at her, totally fucking captivated by my girl. If I’m honest, she never fails to captivate me.

I’m so attuned to watching her that I nearly wipe out, whipping the nose of my board to the top of the wave and back down for a twist to correct my balance. Our momentum slows in the shallows near shore as the wave loses some of its power and I fall back into the water once she jumps off hers with an excited yell. A deep laugh rolls out of me once I surface, shaking water from my face and scrubbing the damp tendrils of my hair back. I’m tall enough to stand here, but she bounces off the bottom on her toes.

“I did it!” Tatum squeals and jumps on me, towing her board behind her by the ankle strap.

My arm wraps around her waist instinctively and I haul her against me while my mouth crashes against hers in a salty, hot kiss that sends fire into my veins. Each glide of our tongues and lips says the same thing:I love you.

“Great job,” I rasp. “You looked incredible out there. How did it feel?”


She looks out at the ocean with a gleam in her eye I recognize. She’s got the surfing bug now. As much as I want to spend all day surfing with her, today’s important.

The future no longer makes me anxious. I’m a man who knows what I want. With Tatum encouraging my dreams, I feel like I’m capable of anything I put my mind to. I finished my double major in three years and was able to open Vale Surf Co. where I teach different levels of surf instruction and host seasonal camps for locals and visiting tourists. Business is booming. In a short time, it became one of the top schools in the area.

I’m proud of what I’ve achieved and I’m proud of what she’s working hard for. After she graduated from South Bay College last year with her degree in Psychology, she started studying for her doctorate while helping me run Vale Surf Co.

There’s one more dream I’m chasing. The most important one I’ve ever wanted.

I guide Tatum’s legs around my hips under the water and squeeze her ass. “We’ll go out again tonight. I’m starving. Let’s head back to the house for breakfast.”

“I’m holding you to that.” She kisses the corner of my mouth while I slowly move us closer to the beach. “I love that we can do this together. It’s an upgrade. As much as I love watching you from shore, it’s totally different being out here.”

A pleased hum vibrates in my throat and I massage her ass. “Me too. And you look fucking good doing it.”

She buries a smile against my shoulder. “What’s for breakfast? And before you say me,” she interrupts in an amused tone, rolling her lower body against my torso in a way that has my dick fighting the cold water as blood rushes south, “I want to remind you I am, in fact, hungry for food.”

I nip at her neck. “You know I’ll keep you fed in every way you need.”

Forever. That’s the plan.

* * *

Tatum remains in the shower after I fucked her lazily as I washed her hair until she shivered from my languid strokes sinking into her and made the most gorgeous sound when she came for me, sending me over the edge.

While she finishes up, I cook our breakfast. Nerves rattle around my stomach while I set the breakfast bar of our bungalow attached to Vale Surf Co. The view of the beach through the banana palms reminds me to create the life I want with the girl I want to spend it with.

I left a note for her on the sundress she spread on the bed that says how much I love her in blue. It’s our ritual. I always leave her notes.

Another one sits next to her plate that makes my heart thump harder. I’ve been saving the heart-shaped sticky note from the packs I used to buy in college for this occasion.
