Page 42 of The Devil You Know

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“Oh shit—coming, T, I’m coming.” For a moment he tries to pull away, but I release a fierce little growl and keep sucking, following his lead when he didn’t stop because I was coming. “Jesus, you’re perfect.”

Cooper’s dick twitches, surprising me before the first spurt of come hits my tongue. Despite my intentions to swallow, I splutter in my effort to figure outhowto swallow on the fly. The last of his come ends up at the corner of my mouth. I blink up in surprise and burst out laughing at his dopey expression. He joins in, cradling the back of my head and swiping the stray mess from my mouth. It feels good to laugh while we’re doing sexy stuff, like I can let go without judgment.

Another burst of determination fills me. Before he can wipe it off, I grasp his wrist and kneel up, bringing his thumb to my mouth to lick it clean.

Cooper rakes his teeth over his lip. “Damn, baby. How am I supposed to believe that was your first time doing that?”

“So it was good?”

“Fuck yeah.”

I duck my head as a bubble of pride expands inside me. It feels good to know I'm not lagging far behind everyone else my age. I'm not defective for still being a virgin.

It helps that I’m learning from someone I trust to navigate me through the unknown until I have a good handle on this stuff.

"How do you feel? Do you need water or anything?" He traces my face again, as if his touch is magnetized to my skin and he can't help himself.

I lean my cheek into his palm, enjoying the warmth. "I'm good. My knees are starting to twinge, though. Next time we need a pillow."

He scoops me up like I weigh nothing, pulling me onto the bed with him. He watches me with hooded eyes while he massages my jaw. It is a little sore, but I didn't say anything. I bite down on a shy smile and rest my head on his shoulder. His dick might be hanging out, softening against his thigh, but I like this quiet lull after his lessons.

"What else are you doing today?"

"Waiting for Jackson to get off work." Cooper's fingers sift through my hair. "It's a couple of hours until then. Want to nap?"

"Mm," I agree drowsily.

Lips brush against my head in a soft kiss before he scoots back on the bed, pulling my leg half over him. My cheeks heat at the feel of his dick, still half hard, grinding into my thigh with a lazy rock of his hips.

I feel overdressed in my teal booty shorts and thin camisole, but I'm too comfortable snuggled against his side to move. My eyelids grow heavy and I drift off to the feeling of him caressing my skin and petting my hair.

* * *

I get back to my room late in the afternoon. I wish I didn't have to leave the comfort of Cooper's bed, but he roused me from an epic nap with low chuckles and kisses to my shoulders.

My brother's door opens and closes down the hall. He's home from work, which means he's heading out with Cooper in a few minutes.

I hit the lock on my door. My lips are still swollen from earlier. It didn't help that Cooper wouldn't let me leave without kissing me so thoroughly I almost climbed him like a tree and begged him to fuck me then and there.

Tracing my lips with my fingertips, I park myself at my desk to do my August spreads in my bullet journal with doodles, stickers, and photos I print off from my phone. I lose myself in the creative organizational process for twenty minutes, ignoring the knock on the door from Jackson to tell me he's going out for the night.

When the spreads are done, I set the journal aside. The August headline is a glaring reminder that my freshman semester at South Bay College will start soon.

I dig out my sex journal, the one I've been using to keep track of my progress under Cooper's tutelage. The checklist isn't as complete as I hoped it would be by now. I run a sparkly red gel pen down the list to check off oral.

Virginity remains unchecked.

Cooper's style of teaching me this stuff is good. Too good, sometimes. Enough to make me forget the lines we've drawn with our rules. The nap today might not have been hot and heavy territory, but my heart still gives a pathetic little wobble when I remember hownot realcuddling with Cooper is.

It means nothing.

We're just friends. Well, he's my brother's friend. Without Jackson to connect us, we'd be nothing at all. Just neighbors.

Except he's not quite the notorious bad boy, or as much of a playboy as I always believed. The cocky vibe he's always given off is nonexistent around me now that I've gotten to know him better.

And since he's gotten to know me. He's learned my body, and all the ways to make me shatter.

A text distracts me from my musings. I wipe the besotted smile off my face and read a message from Simone.
