Page 43 of The Devil You Know

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Simone:Bestie SOS. Bored out of my skull.

Tatum:Milkshakes, universal fixer of everything?

Simone:Whoa, I didn't realize the situation was dire enough to call for milkshakes. What other problems are we slaying today?

I bite my lip, debating whether to come clean to her and admit what I've been doing with my brother's best friend.

Fuck it, I decide after a minute. I need someone like her who is impartial to the situation, and if anyone will reel me back in from diving off a feelings cliff for Cooper Vale, it's her.

Once I type it all out and text her back, my stomach clenches with nerves. I keep an eye on the dancing three dots, organizing my notebook stack on my desk to be perfectly color coordinated and meticulously lined up as I wait for her reply.

Simone:Only you would come up with such a wild plan [laughing emoji]

Tatum:Constructive and helpful opinions only please.

Simone:Everything makes so much sense now. Why he was watching you at the party. My advice? Have a fucking blast, babe! This is an ideal FWB situation.

Tatum:And if I catch feels? I need to protect myself. He's too swoony to resist sometimes.

Simone:[GIF of a swooning maiden]

Simone:It's chill. I've got your back. Send me an SOS anytime and I'm there.

A laugh bursts out of me. Shaking my head, I get changed into black cut off shorts, a tank top, and throw on a distressed denim jacket while I wait for her to pick me up for milkshakes. The uneasy weight lifts from my shoulders.

My head is back in the V-card losing game.



It’s a perfect beach day. I turn my smile into the sun while Simone braids my hair into dutch braids. I’m glad I let her talk me into spending the day at the beach instead of going through my textbooks for my courses a third time since they arrived.

“This is the best,” Simone declares. “Working on our tans while we’re entertained.”

She gestures to the guys in the ocean. I can’t deny that it’s enjoyable to watch the surfers. Usually we rate them all, but Cooper’s the only one I’m able to focus on.

My brother goes down, bailing from his board to cannonball into the wave as it crests, and Cooper pulls an impressive trick that whips the nose of his board up the wave, then back down, muscular arms in position to maintain his balance. Even with the wetsuit covering his body, it’s clear his broad frame is built.

“I said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re living your best main character life,” Simone murmurs in my ear, giving my shoulders a teasing shake. I can hear the smile in her tone. She sighs dramatically. “It’s hard to see people living your dream, you know?”

“Stop.” Laughing, I bump her. “You know what the deal is.”

Still, it’s impossible to stop watching him. I bite my lip as the guys come in from surfing, wading through the shallow surf. Cooper has his board tucked beneath his arm and swipes his wet hair back from his face. He grins at Jackson and their buddies, busting each other's balls. My heart skips a beat when his gaze cuts across the beach to meet mine.

I can't look away as he closes the distance, my heart rate kicking up in an excited thrum when the corner of his mouth lifts to give me a crooked grin, his dimple popping out. My teeth sink into my lip, and even Simone's husky chuckle doesn't snap me out of this strange trance.

It's been like this since we got to the beach and set up our spot. Every time my eyes meet Cooper's, a thrill shoots through me. There's a magnetic pull between us today that neither of us can ignore.

It makes keeping our agreement on the down low a challenge., fighting against the burning urge to taste his smile and feel his body against mine.

"Better wipe that drool before your brother sees," Simone teases.

"Shut up." Rolling my eyes, I subtly brush the side of my mouth.

The guys return to our blanket and collapse in the warm sand. Jackson and Harris sprawl out with easy grins.

"Anyone need a drink?" Cooper shoots me a smirk, eyes hooded. "It's hot out today."
