Page 100 of Tempted By Danger

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“I am great, you?”

He looked at me and then the boxesin Dymon’s hand.

“Apparently, I have a secret admirer.”

“I bet,” Declan mumbled.

“Here,” Dymon handed me the boxes.“Bernardwill take you home. Goodnight.”

As I walked away, I heard Dymon mumble “What the fuck is your problem?” before I got far enough away from them. Outside, Bernard held the door open while looking at his phone. When he looked up at me, he rushed to help me.

“Ms. Everly, let me take these from you.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Did Mr. Dymon tell you that you’re taking me home, and I guess, coming back?”



He handed me the boxes once I was in the car and closed the door. When he pulled out into the street, he looked at me in his rearview mirror.

“Can I ask you a question, Mr. Bernard?”


“Why don’t Declan and Dymon like each other? I couldn’t imagine ever snarlingat my brother the way they do each other. It’s very weird to me.He seems very detached from his family.”

“That is something you’ll have to ask him.”

“Declan told me that he ruins everything he touches, which I know is not true because he’s running a wholedamncompany.Then he said ‘women’… He ruins ‘women.’ Mr. Bernard, can you please tell me if I’m putting myself in a lose-lose situation with him.”

“You’re notleaving in December?”

“Yes, but… Declan made it seem like something else… like, dark… like, maybe I should be afraid of him or something.”

“Well, Ms. Everly, you definitely don’t haveto be afraid of him.”

“Okay.That’s good, then.”

A few moments of silence went by.

“In my old line of work as a detective, my mentor taught me to be a good reader of people by listening and observing, and that’s what you have to do with him.”

“Mr. Bernard. That man is so hot and cold, I really wouldn’t even know where to begin. I don’t think he’s a bad person, but he is a mean person, and I want to know why. His teeth are too beautiful not to see them every day. I do know that Denim and Diesel are very protective of him.They don’t outright say that, but just from the couple of private conversations I had with them, I can tell.”

He raised his eyebrows in response.

I knew I wasn’t going to get much out of him, so I switched the subject.

“Anyways, do you know this man hadn’t taken a vacation in four years?When I finally got his calendar situated, it was nothing but meeting after meeting after meeting. Jesus Christ.”

“That’s him. He’ll slow down when he realizes he has nothing left to prove. Now, here we are.” He stopped in front of the building and got out before I could pry even more.

“Goodnight, Mr. Bernard.”

“Goodnight, Ms. Everly.”
