Page 124 of Tempted By Danger

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“Good morning, Ms. Everly.”

I smiled. “Good morning, Simeon.”

He swiped his card, pushing the button to the twenty-fifthfloor.When the doors opened at my destination, Kia sat at her desk with the phone pressed to her ear as usual.

“Good morning,” I spoke.


Ever since Dymon and I got on the elevator together, she’d completely changed. She didn’t even make snarky comments anymore, nor was she being passive-aggressive. We didn’t speak much, but it wasn’t bad when we did. I didn’t know what that elevator ride told her about Dymon and me, but I wished I knew. Hell, Dymon still ain’t told me about their relationship. It would feel slightly weird every time I talked to her until I knew the extent of their relationship.

I didn’t take my shades off until I’d passed her because Idefinitely didn’twant her to see the rims around my eyes.Rounding the corner, Dymon’s office light was still off, which meant that he wasn’t here, and more than likely, he wasn’t coming in. A part of me wanted to text him from the work phone, but I didn’t want to seem like I was some desperate ass girl. I was going to tough it out; even though it was killing me on the inside not to contact him.

Walking in his office, I flipped the lights on before walking around the desk, plopping down in his chair. Since Tuesday, I’d been cosplayingCEO.He was called away because a terrible storm went through Tennessee, damaging the hotel he had there. In his absence, I’d been taking care of everything.

No lie, I’d completely underestimated the duties of a CEO. Even though he had thousands of employees under him, it didn’t lessen any of his duties.The first day, I called himat least twenty times before hesaid“think like me, but be you, Quinci,”before telling me that he wasn’t going to pick up the calls again from my work phone. Ever since then, I’d been winging it.

As soon as his computer was fired up, the emails immediately started to come in.I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t search his emails for Kia’s name anywhere, but there wasn’t anything. He’d been open with me about everything except for his family and Kia. I didn’t know why those things were so sacred to him, but I really wanted to know.

When my phone vibrated, I hurried and picked it up, thinking it would be Dymon, but it was my mothertexting me andtelling me tohave a good day. I made a mental note to call her on my lunch breakbecause we hadn’t talked in a few days.She didn’t know I’d moved in with Dymon, and I wasn’t planning on telling her because she would have my head.

Since the night of thefair, I hadn’t left his house. It was him who begged me to stay, which made me even more confused by his actions last night. If he wanted me to leave, he should’ve been able to say that instead of avoiding me like a child. Except for his last hiccup, everything been going great between us. The sex was good. His chef was amazing. Everyone who worked for him in his massive ass penthouse was so nice. I was sure that he was going to be furious when he found out that I’d let them have a lot of time off.The cleaning lady had only been once this week, and the chef only brought me breakfast. I’d been cooking myself because I slightly missed it.

Even though we stayed together,we were very professional at work.I was sure that people kind of knew what was going on but wasn’t going to say anything until they had proof. We were riding together before I moved in with him, so there wasn’t anything suspicious about that. Much like he’d been doing, I’dbeen checking the Kog system to see if I could pick up on some chatter about us,but there wasn’t hardly anything.The most people said was that Dymon had been a little more pleasant than usual, and they wondered if I was the reason for the change.Either way, they were pleased with the slight transformation, which was fine by me.

I was in the middleof sending out the twentieth email before Dymon’s desk phone rang.

“Danger HQ, this is Quinci, how may I help you?”

“Ah, yes. Is this the assistant?”

It wasa woman’s voice, and not one that I recognized. I didn’t realize Dymon had that many women who had no couth calling his work phone to get with him. I mean, I could understand because the man was fine as hell, working with a monster dick, but I wouldn’t be desperate enough to call his work phone.

I looked at the caller ID to see if I recognized the number. and I didn’t. “Yes.”

“Good. Is Dymon going to be in today?”

“I’m not sure. May I ask who’s calling? And would you like to leave a message?”

“No, you may not. I just wanted to know what he wanted me to do with his bag that he left over here last night.”

My body instantly stilled.


“Um, yeah, sure. I’ll let him know,” I replied before slamming the phone down.

Thatpissed me offso bad that I called him from my work phone. My whole body shook as I waited for him to pick up the phone. It furtherpissed me offwhen he didn’t answer.Itpissed me offbecause someone was lying, and I didn’t know who. Bernard told me he’d seen him last night, and that he was alone, but if that was the case, why would this woman be calling about a bag he supposedly left at her house? She had to be lying because there was no reason that Bernard would volunteer a lielike that. Even though I knew it was a lie, I was going to ask why she was callingand saying that. Whoever the woman was had to know about us, so the conversation had to get brought up anyway.

* * *

I wasthankful it was lunch time because Iswear,I’d been working since I sat down. Like I said before, I had a newfound respect for Dymon and his job because I thought he really sat back and did nothing while everyone else ran around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Since Ineeded some air from being cramped in his office, I decided to head down the street to grab a sandwichand some fries. I found a seat in the back corner,where it wouldn’t be as noisy, so I could talk to my mother.Propping the phone up against the napkin container, I waited until the phone connected.

“Hey, baby,” my mom spoke when the phone connected.

“That’s Quinci or Quest Jr. ?” I heard my dad in the background.
