Page 125 of Tempted By Danger

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“Hey, Dad! You at the Grove, Mama?”

She nodded her head.

“What y’all doing? Where Kemba at?”

“About to come in a second.Youokay? I feel like I hadn’t talked to you in a while.”

“Yeah. I been so busy. Who knew being a CEO was this much work? You and Dad make it look so easy. By the time I get home,eat,and shower, I be so tired.”

She smiled a little bit. “I hear that. Hebetter be payingyou his salary while he out and you taking over.”

“You know, I hadn’t even thought to ask him that. I will when hegets… back to the office.”

My mom squintedat me while my dad backed into view.

“Hey, sweetheart. Look at you, looking all professional. Hair slicked back, looking like me, but prettier.”

I smiled. My dad always knew how to makeme feel good.

“Why y’all at the Grove, Ma?”

She ignored my question. “What are you having for lunch?”

“The usual.Y’all having something at the Grove?”

Shelooked up. “Igottalet you go, Quinn. Call me when you get off,” she retorted and ended the call before I could say anything.

I’d just text Kemba later to get the tea.

When thewaiter set my food in front of me, my eyes caught Derek, Fiona, and Justice taking a seat in the front corner of the shop. I wanted to disappear so bad. Derek hadn’t talked to me since that day. He didn’t even look my way,and Fiona hadbarely spoken to me since too. I mean, I understood that Derek was her cousin, but she was also my friend—at least I thought she was—and she had nothing to do with that.She should’ve been able to see both sides.I wasn’t going to beg her to talk to me. After it happened, I was surprised that itdidn’t spread around work. Well, if it did, I was out of the loop.

I kept my head in my phone as I ate as quickly as I could without giving myself heartburn. I didn’t want to catch their attention, so I was thankful that the booth in front of me was filled just as quickly as it emptied. When I was done eating,I threw my trash away and headed for the door when I heard my name being called. If I pretended that I had my earbuds going and didn’t hear them, then I’d be Dymon, but I wasn’t him. When I turned toward the voice, it was a few cool women and a guy who I’d made conversation with in the café at DHQ. Just my luck, they were sitting directly in front of Derek, Justice, and Fiona. I wasn’t going to give them the satisfactionbecause the only thing I did wrong wasfuckmy boss, and that had nothing to do with either of them.With my head held high, I walked over to them.

“Hey. What’s up?”

“If I had of known you were in here, I would have sat with you,” Melissa spoke.

“It’s all good. I was on the phone the whole time anyway. You guys got anything planned for the weekend?” I asked.

Fiona’s back was to me, but out the corner of my eye, Derek and Justice eyed me. Derek wore a look of anger, while Justice wore a lookof hate.I was so glad my shades were dark because I rolled my eyes so hardat them.

“My brother is having aprivateparty at the 40/40 tonight. You should come through.It starts at ten,” Tonya stated.


“It’s a lounge owned by Jay-Z.”

“Oh. That should be fun. Alright, just let me know the details, and I might come through.”

“Yougottalet me know so I can get your name on the list.”

“Okay.Let’s exchange information.” I handed Tonya my phone.

“So…”Robert leaned in. “Don’t tell Big Boss I said this, but you are the best boss.”

I laughed. “I am going to tell him because he needs to be knocked down a peg, but I will be sure to leave you anonymous,though.”
