Page 186 of Tempted By Danger

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Through my teary vision, I looked around to see my mom, dad, grandmas, Quest Jr., and Kemba. I looked at him, poking my lip out. My dad was smiling, and my mother had tears in her eyes.

“How? How did you get them here?”

“Well…well, don’t be mad at me, but I wasn’t going to let your dad drive from Florida to New York, and his back is still not a hundred percent. So, I gave them some very good brownies with the help of Mr. Quest Jr. Don’t look at me like that. They know and were very appreciative once they landed.”

“Wait…you went back to Citrus Grove?”

“Don’t be mad at me again, but that flight to Beijing…was a flight to Citrus Grove…with my parents.”


He led me toward my family.

“Yes. Your dad wanted to know what type of family you’d be marrying into. An interesting weekend, might I add, but we made it through. Your dad highly disapproved of the way I was raised, but we made it through. He didn’t even give his approval until we’d made it to the jet strip.”

“Oh, baby! Congratulations!” My mom wrapped her arms around me.

I held my hand out, showing her the ring.

“Girl, we picked that ring out. I know your taste.”

“Dad!” I hugged him.

“Baby, congratulations. Know that I am going to always, always be here when you need me. Whenever you need me.”

“Quest Jr. How they pull you from Cali?” I wrapped my arms around him.

“I just had to come meet the man who swept my sister off her feet because that is a hard feat.”

“Tell me about it,” Dymon co-signed.

“Demon! Now, we get to get us some grandkids,” Granny Jo threw in there, making us laugh. She was never going to get his name right.

“Kemba! Did you know about this? I suggest you say no because best friends do not keep secrets from each other.”

“I didn’t know a thing, friend.” He wrapped his arms around me.

While I was talking to my family, Dymon’s family walked over to us, handing us an envelope. Our relationship was getting better, but for me, it was going to take more than just a weekly dinner to get us where a family should be.

“Congratulations, kids. Dymon, those were some beautiful words. I have something for you two.”

She handed us an envelope. “You know me and your father are leaving tonight to spend Christmas and New Year’s in the Bahamas, so we wanted to give you…both of you, this.”

Mr. Dymon opened the envelope, scanned it, and then handed it to me. Scanning over the paper, my eyes widened when I realized what it was.

“You guys bought it?”

“Yes. Well, after you told us off, deservedly so, we looked into it. Both Denim and Diesel told us how important The Grove was to you and your family. It’s the least that we could do for you for taking care of our son, making us see the error in our ways. You deserve a lot more than we’d ever be able to repay you for.”

“Wow. That’s…that’s very nice of both of you. Thank you.”

I hugged her and his father before handing the paperwork to my father. I didn’t for one second believe that they’d bought it out of the goodness of their hearts, but I wouldn’t be able to prove it, so I had to take their word for it. Dymon initiated the hug with his father and whispered in his ear. I knew exactly what he said because his father was staring ahead, blinking back his tears. Dymon grabbed me, leading me back toward the center of the floor.

“Announcement! So, I was going to wait to announce this at the Christmas party…” He glared at me and smiled. “But I’m in such a great mood, so I’ll announce it now. You all are very important to me. Oh, don’t groan. Don’t groan. I may not act like it, but I am very appreciative of each of you. Without you, this company wouldn’t run as smoothly as it does. So, to show my appreciation, I’m giving everyone a ten-thousand-dollar bonus.”

Everybody got deathly quiet and stared at him.

“Guys, I’m not joking.”

The moment he said that, everyone started to clap and cheer. He looked at me and smiled.

“You really changed me, Quinci,” he said, before kissing me again.
