Page 187 of Tempted By Danger

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One Year Later

“Quinci, where you at!”

“Stop hollering at me. I’m in the bathroom.”

She was putting her hair in a ponytail at the top of her head.

“Now, didn’t you promise your stylist that you—”

“It lasted a whole week. I’m hot, Mr. Dymon.”

I leaned against the door frame, watching her perfect her ponytail. She was still just as beautiful as the day that she’d walked into my office. I never thought it was in my cards to be with the same woman, but I literally couldn’t see my life without her, so I’ve been on my very best behavior. Hell, when I wasn’t at work, I was always under her. Honestly, I thought we’d be tired of each other by now since we still worked together.

She’d changed me so much over the year. I was a better man because of her. A better boss because of her. She was still the calm to my storm. Even when I knew I was getting on her nerves, she never lost her patience with me. Every day I woke up, I thanked God for her.

When the light bounced off her ring, I thought about our earlier days.

“‘Don’t nobody want a relationship with you, Dymon Danger.’ Check. I married your pretty ass.”

She rolled her eyes. “One, I don’t sound like that. And two, you were saying that same damn thing, so don’t try to play me like I was just chasing you or something. Matter of fact, you said it first. And kept reiterating it until you thought someone else was going to get the pussy. Jealous ass.”

“You can’t use that against me because I already know who I am.”

About seven months ago, she and I exchanged vows at a small ceremony in The Grove. She was adamant about having something very intimate, and I respected it. At first, I was reluctant because I didn’t know what to expect, having a wedding surrounded by a bunch of trees with oranges and lemons on them, but it was beautiful, and the pictures were even more beautiful.

“Okay, done. Why you in here bothering me anyway? Don’t you and Kemba got another few trees to go.” She waddled around me.

“Don’t nobody want a baby with you, Dymon Danger. Check.”

She whipped her head around. “Again, I don’t talk like that. And don’t act like you wasn’t nutting inside of me every chance you got when you weren’t nutting on my face. You never put it on my back like a regular man.”

“Nothing about me is regular.”

My wife was in heat on our wedding night, and that’s when our baby was created. Exactly six weeks later, she was taking a pregnancy test telling us that we were pregnant. I was able to get her an appointment so we could confirm the pregnancy. That shit made me tear up for real. If I teared up just getting an ultrasound, I knew I was going to be crying the day he or she was born. We weren’t going to find out until we made it across The Grove to her surprise baby shower.

Right now, my baby was taking over her body. She was all stomach and was only going to get bigger. Her face spread, hips spread even more, and she hated it. She told me that she was going to be one and done, but I doubted it. Our dom/sub life was put on hold until she had the baby.

“Come on, baby.”

“You want me to come outside, in the heat, to watch you, Declan, and Kemba pick oranges and lemons?”

“Yes, but not before I go to the business center. Girl, slide in your shoes and come on. I’ll even get you a piece of cake as a reward.”

Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree because the doctor said that she needed to limit her sweets, so I eliminated them from our house.

I locked up after we left the cottage. After helping her on the golf cart, I got in on my side and headed toward the business center.

So much has changed over the last year. After my parents purchased The Grove for us, I purchased more of the vacant land next to it and had us a nice-sized house built for when we stayed here. Quinci and I alternated between staying in Citrus Grove and New York, and ironically, I liked living in Citrus Grove more. On the weekends, I started helping Kemba pick the oranges, and he’d even become a good friend to me. Even though I knew his loyalty was still to Quinci. It was a very humbling experience that I didn’t take for granted.

Months after, I’d offered Declan a position in this sector of Danger Incorporated, and he took it. He, Winter, and Donovan moved here, and surprisingly, they all loved it, but not more than Donovan. He loved working with Kemba, Declan, and me on the weekends. It was a great bonding experience for them and us. Our relationship had grown into something I never thought it would be, which was a good thing. The relationship I had with my mother and father was moving forward at a steady pace. We video chatted twice a week, and it was cool. It was like they were getting to know me all over again. My relationships with Denim and Diesel were the same; I was their favorite little brother.

I came to a stop at the back of the business center.

“Come on, big mama.” I helped her off the golf cart.

When I walked her in, I led her to one of the rooms where people had their weddings and receptions.
