Page 17 of Highland Warrior

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Liosa, who was caressing his bare chest, sat up. “Have you been following me, Iain?” She scowled.

“Do I need to?”

She changed strategy and pouted, “Come now Iain, why so many questions? Does it really matter? Is it not enough that I’m back and I want to spend every waking moment with you?”

He looked skeptical, then said, “Then let me wed you, Liosa. Let me make a home for you.” He was studying her expression closely and caught a flash of irritation in her eyes.

She whined, “Why must we always talk of marriage and the future? I am not ready to have bairns or be a commoner in some backwater town. I lead a busy life.”

“Where? You never seem to tell me anything anymore.”

“Someday I will settle but for now I prefer to travel and see my kin. The Hendersons are not my clan.”

Iain said, "Then, if it means so much to you, I will join you.”

She paused, then replied, “I am not ready, Iain. I thought I made it clear. We want different things.”

“The man who gives you these fine garments is he the one you want to marry?” Iain bunched up her chemise, which was made of fine silk.

“Dinnae be daft! There is no man. Has it ever occurred to you I can make money for myself? You are quite feudal in your thinking, and that is a constant issue between us.”

“Why is that an issue?” Iain frowned.

“Because you’re so simple. You’re wasting your life in this stupid glen, not even trying to reach for something more than this stupid place.” Her hand waved about the cottage.

“You think me living in my home, on my land, making an honest living protecting my clan is… stupid?”

Liosa was off the bed and pacing in her see-through chemise.

“Aye, Iain! It is stupid. You can at least aspire to become a nobleman or work for a king. You can be anything you want to be. Yet you choose this… life.” She spat out the words as if his life were meaningless.

And there lay the problem. Iain realized no matter what he did, he would never be good enough for Liosa.

“Then if you dinnae want to marry me or have this life, why do you fall upon my shaft half-starved every time you see me? You need to be careful, Liosa, you could end up with child.”

“Wheesht tis not possible, I ensure I take a herb to prevent it. No other man makes me feel as good as you do.”

“There are others?” Iain said.

Liosa stilled and her eyes widened at her slip up. It was enough to confirm to Iain that he was a damned fool.

Iain leaped out of the bed. He fastened his plaid and threw his leine back on. He needed air, and he needed away from the woman who had played his heart strings his entire adult life.

“Iain, what are you doing? Where are you going?”

“Elsewhere. I have much to do.”

“But you haven’t even made love to me yet!”

“I’ve changed my mind, Liosa. I think you need to seek satisfaction from one of theothers!”

“Iain dinnae be ridiculous. You are jumping to conclusions. Come to bed and stop fighting.”

“Sorry, Liosa, but I dinnae think I can stomach bedding you, now or ever.”

“What? You’ve never turned me down before!” she shrieked.

“There is a first time for everything. I have duties to see to.” He buckled the last rung of his belt and reached for his scabbard, then walked towards the door.
