Page 18 of Highland Warrior

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She snorted, “Aye, go follow your cousin Bram around like a puppy dog. Honestly, you’re as daft as your stupid cousins!”

Iain froze. In a voice laced with steel, he said, “Dinnae ever speak about Bram that way. He is my kin. He protected me after Cruim near beat me to death for challenging him for the lairdship.”

“You should have beat that fat turd, instead you lost because you’re useless!” she shouted.

“And where were you when I lost? Where were you when my broken body was bedridden, Liosa? You disappeared. Twas my family and this wee backwater clan who stood by me in my darkest days. Butmywoman, whom I loved, abandoned me!” he yelled.

Iain paused as if saying these things out loud gave him clarity for the first time.

“This is not my clan. I told you I have things to do which dinnae involve you,” Liosa snapped.

“Why are you back, Liosa? Is it so you can ride my cock and seek your pleasure, then leave again?”

“Dinnae be so vulgar, Iain. You’re daft.”

“Then what? You never want to spend time with me outside of bed and half the time you’re complaining about something I’ve done, then you’re gone again. So why now? Why are you back here?”

“I told you. I still love you Iain and in time I will settle, just not now.”

“You talk of love, Liosa, but you dinnae ken what it is.”

“Oh, this again. Please enlighten me, Iain.”

“My cousin Willa, my sister Tyra, my aunt Fia stayed up with me tending to my injuries the night Cruim nearly killed me. Bram and Niall took on my responsibilities at the Keep. The clan made sure I had food in my belly and enough firewood for the winter, because I was too weak to hunt or wield an axe. Why? Because that’s what kin do when they love you. My life may be stupid to you, Liosa, but it means the world to me, and I’ll not have you disparage it.”

“My goodness, you talk about your family as if they’re bloody saints, for crying out loud. I am sick of you talking about your wretched clan.”

“I feel sorry for you, Liosa.”


“Because you’ve spent your whole life chasing things that hold no real value. Keep your fine garments and pursue your wealthy kings. I hope they make you happy.”

There was silence between them, then Liosa moved towards him. Her voice softened. She wrapped her arms around his waist, then she moved her hand lower and began stroking him beneath his plaid. Her voice was husky and soft, almost demure. “Please dinnae let’s fight. You ken how much I need you, Iain. I love you truly, I do, but I need time. Come back to bed, and we can do something more agreeable?”

Usually, Iain would jump at the chance to bed her, but this time, he grabbed her wrist and pushed it away.

“No, Liosa. I think tis time you returned to wherever it is you go. When I come back, I want you gone.”

“But I need to stay inGlencoelonger. I have nowhere else to go.”

“Then do what you must. But you’ll not stay in my cottage. Willa’s is empty. You can stay there.”

He opened the door and turned his head when she called out.

“Iain? Are you really refusing to couple with me?” She had an incredulous look on her face.

“Aye, believe it.”

“But it has been months!” she shouted.

He just shrugged.

Then the air in the cottage changed, and Liosa grabbed his arm to turn him to face her. This time, her eyes were squinty. “Who is she, Iain? Are you swiving someone else? Is that why you dinnae want me anymore? I swear Iain when I find out who it is—”

“There is no one, Liosa. Unlike you, I dinnae work that way.”

So you really dinnae want me, and you’re kicking me out of your cottage?”
