Page 19 of Highland Warrior

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“Aye. I dinnae think we should keep coupling if there is no serious intention beyond it. I’ve asked you to marry me three times and you refuse, so I dinnae think there’s anything more to it.”

“And that’s it? You’re breaking off our courtship?”

“What courtship, Liosa? You will not even acknowledge a relationship, which is why we keep sneaking about!” he yelled.

“I honestly dinnae ken what has gotten into you, Iain. You have been nothing but grumpy since I arrived. I thought a good swiving would improve your mood but clearly not.”

Iain just shook his head. “Move into Willa’s cottage. And steer clear of the Henderson women. They dinnae like you.” With those parting words, Iain left his cottage and slammed the door behind him.

As he walked past the window, Liosa yelled out, “Wait, Iain! I wanted to ask you something.”

“What?” he growled.

“Do you ken a lass by the name of Ferguson?”

“No. Why?”

“Oh, tis just a dear old friend I would like to reconnect with.”

Iain just shook his head and kept walking. Trust Liosa to change subjects when it suited her.

Iain went to the river, stripped off, and plunged into the freezing cold. He needed to purge himself of the unpleasant morning. As he scrubbed himself clean, he had to admit the pleasures Liosa offered him no longer satisfied. It only caused him more frustration and regret. At least this time, he did not have to beat himself up for sleeping with her. That was a first, considering he had never abstained from finding pleasure with Liosa.

As Iain got out of the water and dried himself, he realized he was indeed changing. He wanted something more than empty promises and heartache.


When Iain arrived at the Keep the place was in a frenzy. “What is going on?” he asked a serving woman as she flew past him.

“The MacDonald lass is coming to stay.”



Iain frowned. Wondering where she was going to sleep, seeing as Sorcha’s entire family was also visiting. Sorcha’s sister-in-law Amelia MacGregor was a gifted healer, and she was insistent that she help with the delivery of Sorcha’s babe. Sorcha’s other sisters-in-law, Zala Fletcher and Clarissa Robertson wanted to be there as well. Their husbands, Beiste MacGregor, Brodie Fletcher and Dalziel Robertson refused to allow the women to travel alone, so they came with their bairns in tow. Henderson Keep was currently overrun with boisterous MacGregors.

It was the first Iain heard about Yesenda joining them as well. For some inextricable reason, his heart started pounding in excitement. He hastened his steps, making his way to the main hall where he knew his laird and cousins would be.

He entered and took a seat beside his cousin Niall.

“What’s this I hear about the MacDonalds joining us as well?”

“They’re arriving today. Yesenda will remain with us until Ruadh, and his men return from escorting some lass toAyrshire. I swear, cousin, this place is being overrun by loud, bossy women. I dinnae ken how Bram puts up with it,” Niall grumbled.

Iain chuckled and said, “I’m sure when you find a bonnie lass to marry, you’ll put up with her family as well.”

“No, I will not. I will never marry. Not if this is what I have to look forward to. I’d rather run naked through a meadow withurisksand howl at the moon like old Duff Henderson.”

Iain just grinned and shook his head.


As promised, Ruadh and his men escorted Yesenda to Henderson Keep before continuing on with their journey. But before he took his leave, Ruadh cautioned Bram. They were in Bram’s meeting room when he broached the subject.

“Thank you for agreeing to host my sister for a short time. I feel better that she will have good female company.”

“Tis our pleasure. Yesenda gets on well with my wife, Sorcha, and my family. It will be a welcome addition. How has she adjusted to life outside the abbey?” Bram asked.
