Page 29 of Highland Warrior

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Iain burst through the doors of the Keep searching for Bram. He left Yesenda abruptly because he had an urgent need to work out his feelings.

He spotted Bram in the meeting room and walked over pulling up a chair.

“Iain? What brings you here?”

“Cousin, how did you ken Sorcha was the one for you?”

Bram stared at him a while, trying to read his mood, then said, “I just did. The moment I saw her standing in the snow pointing that bow and arrow at me, I kenned it.”

“But how?”

“It was like everything faded away and it was just the two of us who existed in the entire world. As if time stood still and nothing else mattered. It has been that way ever since. She enters a room I feel her there. When she is not around, I crave her company. When I’m with her, I want more of her. Tis like my heart is incomplete without her. But more than anything, tis her nature and character I love above all else and I ken she feels the same.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sorcha protected Henderson bairns even when she was my captive. That woman would willingly sacrifice herself to protect them because tis her nature. She stands by my side as my equal, supports me when I’m right and challenges me if she feels I’m wrong. We can talk about everything and nothing, and I would still think it was the best time spent.”

“That sounds like true love.”

“Aye, but why do you ask?”

“I’ve been thinking about getting married.”


“What do you mean, no?”

“Iain, I have been very patient. I have not wanted to interfere in your life.”

“What are you talking about, Bram? You interfere in my life all the time, even when we were bairns.”

“All right, so I do, but with your women, I’m mostly silent. But not this time.”

“Wait, you dinnae want me to get married?”

“That’s correct.”

“Why not?”

“Because she is not worthy of you. How many times must I say it?”

“What have you got against, Yesenda?”



“Wait, who are you thinking of marrying?”

“Who do you think I’m thinking of marrying?”

“Bloody hell! Iain, I thought you were thinking of Liosa?”

“No! I’m thinking of making Yesenda my wife.”

“Oh. Well, in that case, then aye, marry her if Ruadh approves.”

“Just like that? You approve?”
