Page 30 of Highland Warrior

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“Aye, I approve.”

“But now I’m torn.”

“What troubles you?”

“What if I’m wrong? I spent my life loving one woman and now I have powerful feelings for another. Is that not worrisome? What if I do the same to Yesenda? I dinnae want to become unfaithful.”

“First you are talking about two very different women here. What attracted you to Liosa? Dinnae include her looks. Tell me what it is about being with her you enjoyed.”

Iain thought for a while and paused. He tried to come up with something, then paused again.


“Wait, I’m thinking about her nature. Well… uh. Oh, bollocks!”

“What did you come up with?”

“She was a great bed partner and whenever I saw her, I felt my heart rise.”

Bram asked, “Your heart or just your cock? Never mind. Alright, now, let me ask you this. When you’re with Yesenda, what do you enjoy?”

Iain instantly smiled when he spoke. “Tis the way she smirks and laughs easily. Tis like sunshine on a blistering wintry day. The way she treats the bairns, giving them the attention they crave. There’s a gentleness about her when she is with the bairns.”

“What else?”

“Her mind, Bram. She is very smart and insightful. I’ve never met a more interesting lass. She is quiet observant, and she reads people well. She also bites her bottom lip if she’s unsure about something and the way she makes me feel…”

“How does she make you feel?”

“Like I am the most interesting man in the world. When I talk to her about things, she listens intently and hears what I am saying. When I pay her a compliment, she blushes as if she does not ken how bonnie she is.”

“If she left and decided never to visit again, what would you do?”

“I would move heaven and earth to find her and drag her back here, then convince her to stay.”

“Which brings me to my next question. Every time Liosa left you, why did you not drag her back here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Iain, if a man wants a woman enough, he goes and fetches her. Tis the way of men of our ilk.”

“I would never force myself upon a woman unwillingly.”

“Of course, I dinnae mean that. If Liosa was the woman for you, nothing should’ve stopped you from chasing her down and making her see reason.”

Iain just raised his brow.

“You can scoff all you like, cousin, but it worked for me when I kidnapped Sorcha.”

“Aye, I remember very well. I was there when her kin belted the shit out of you for it.”

Bram just ginned and started chuckling.

“You nearly got yourself killed, you daft prick.”

“Aye, but lord, it was worth the beating,” Bram said, grinning.

“Is there a point to this talk, old married man?”
