Page 31 of Highland Warrior

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“The point is, when you love someone with all your heart, nothing will stand in your way. Clearly with Liosa, something always held you back, did it not?” Bram asked with a raised eyebrow.

Iain sighed and nodded.

“Do you ken what that was?”

“A part of me felt like she looked down on all of us all the time. I didna think I could spend my life with someone who would treat my kin, my family that way.”

“And with Yesenda?”

“She has a kind soul. I can feel it. It’s that powerful.”

“And there you have it, Iain. All you need to be certain about, you already ken.”

Iain grabbed Bram and gave him an enormous bear hug, then kissed him on the cheek.

“Och, get off me, stupid prick!” Bram grumbled as he tried to wipe his cheek.

“Thank you, cousin,” Iain said then he bolted out of the room.


Chapter 9

Friend Zoned

The following day, Yesenda was walking the Keep grounds when Iain appeared. “Yesenda, come with me to the village. It is a nice day for an outing.”

Iain grabbed her hand and started walking toward the stables.

“Ah… all right,” she said, wondering if she really had a choice.

They travelled by horseback in silence, and Iain remained vigilant. When they arrived, he showed her around the village and took her to places that meant something to him. Iain shared stories of the trouble he and Bram got up to when they were lads. Yesenda enjoyed the outing until their pleasant stroll through the village was interrupted by a most annoying creature.


Yesenda turned and saw the woman from the hall making her way toward them. She wore a very fine surcoat, and her smile vanished when she saw Yesenda.

“What are you doing here, my love?” she asked Iain.

Iain stiffened, and Yesenda stepped away to give them some privacy. But Iain clasped the back of her kirtle and pulled her back. Yesenda glared at Iain, but he ignored her. She saw anger in the woman.

“I dinnae believe we have met before? I am Iain’s woman and who are you?” the woman snapped.

“Liosa,” Iain growled in warning. “You are not my woman.”

“Iain can deny it all he wants, but I’ve been sharing his bed for many years,” she said to Yesenda.

“That’s enough,” Iain hissed.

Yesenda felt as if she had walked headfirst into a lover’s quarrel. “Mayhap you two should talk while I look at some vendor stalls.” She tried to step away, but Iain pulled her back again.

Liosa’s eyes narrowed, and she glared at Yesenda.

“What are you doing here, Liosa? I thought you did not like shopping in such a backwater village.”

“Well, I changed my mind, Iain. I was thinking of the ring you wanted to buy me. It is still there. Do you remember it?”

“Aye, I remember the ring. You said it was too small and cheap for your liking.”
