Page 32 of Highland Warrior

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Iain pulled Yesenda even closer and placed his arm around her waist.

“For god’s sake, lain would you stop fondling the woman in front of me? You should be ashamed courting me then cavorting with the likes of her.”

Yesenda took a deep breath and decided she was done with whatever this was.

“Cease talking!” she demanded. Giving Liosa a stern look.

Liosa shut her mouth.

“First, Liosa is it? I am a guest of the Henderson laird. Iain has been kind enough to escort me to this fine village. That is all you need to ken about me. Now you may wonder why Iain keeps fondling me when I am trying to give you both privacy, but I can only guess it is to shield himself from you. I just met you and I can say with every intention to insult you, you are vile! If anyone is causing you embarrassment, that would be yourself.”

Liosa gasped in outrage and said, “How dare you?”

“Oh, I dare!” Yesenda hissed, then walked away.

Meanwhile, Iain tried to stifle a laugh, then started coughing.

“Iain, I dinnae like that woman. I insist you leave her here and escort me back to the cottage,” Liosa said.

“I cannot do that. She is my responsibility.”

“And what about me?”

“You are welcome to wait until we have finished our errands.”

“Forget it!” Liosa huffed and walked away.

The moment she was gone, Iain turned and ran to catchup with Yesenda.

“I am truly sorry about that.”

“Tis alright Iain, it is none of my concern.”

“But it is your concern, seeing as we are friends.”

Yesenda did not like being categorized as a friend while that vulgar Liosa woman was his lover. It was a timely reminder that while her feelings for Iain were growing, he only saw her as afriend. She frowned.

“You’re angry with me?” Iain asked.

“No. It matters not what I feel about you.”

“Dinnae say that. It matters. We are close friends and how you feel about me matters.”

Yesenda wanted to scream and hit him over the head with a tree branch, but didn’t. She just gave him a slight smile and tried to contain her jealously. “Aye, we are friends Iain.”

“I enjoy being with you, Yesenda. Our talks have been a great boon to me.”

Yesenda sighed and said, “Then I am glad. You have a become a good friend to me too.”


More than Friends

That night Yesenda tossed and turned as the noises of the Keep kept her awake. The abbey was a quiet place. Highly organized into routine, whereas Keeps were a completely different beast altogether. After two nights of it, she longed to find a quiet space to rest.

Early the next morning, she slipped out of the Keep for a quiet walk and to find something to occupy her idle hands. She came across Iain’s sister, Tyra. Tyra was the clan healer, and she had a healer’s cottage in the glen where she treated her patients.

Being raised by nuns, Yesenda knew a fair amount of healing remedies, so before she knew it, she was busily employed assisting Tyra in the healer’s cottage. It was just what she needed.

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