Page 33 of Highland Warrior

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The healer’s cottage in the glen was a white longhouse surrounded by a row of smaller cottages. Tyra told her she and Iain remained in the cottages after Bram and the rest of the family moved to the Keep. The view was breathtaking and Yesenda instantly felt at home. This was just what she needed. Fresh air, a river nearby and some chores to keep her busy.

Tyra offered Yesenda the use of an empty cottage if she did not want to stay at the Keep. The cottage used to be occupied by Willa, Bram’s sister. Yesenda accepted on the spot, already looking forward to having some privacy away from the Keep and a change of scenery.

Soon the two women fell into a comfortable working routine. Yesenda used the time to treat patients and extract information through informal conversations. One interesting one was with a young lad.

“What is your name?” she asked.

“I’m Seamus.”

“Well hello Seamus, now what happened to you?”

“I cut my arm.” He held out his arm so she could examine the large cut.

“Oh no. How did you do that?” Yesenda asked.

“I was hiding in a tree, and I fell out of it.”

Yesenda began treating the cut, and she kept up the conversation to keep him distracted from the pain.

“Why on earth were you hiding in a tree?”

Seamus lowered his voice and looked about, then leaned close and whispered, “Can you keep a secret?”

Yesenda grinned and said, “Aye, I am a very good keeper of secrets.” She continued to apply a poultice and waited.

“I was spying on a man at the blackhouse near the village. Mama says I should not, but I cannot help myself.”

“And what did you see?”

“He had a box and gave it to Gordon.”

“Who’s Gordon?”

“He’s my age, and he’s the one that’s been helping the strangers.”

Yesenda’s ears pricked up then. “What strangers?”

“The ones that wear the gray robes.”

Yesenda froze momentarily and blinked at Seamus. She tied off his bandage then said, “Tell me about them, Seamus.”

“I follow them sometimes even though Ma says I should stay put. But I cannot help myself.”

“Where do they go?”

“To the old stables.”

“What stables?”

“At the Gibson farm.”

“Where’s that?”

He paused and sighed. “Do you ken nothing about the village?”

Yesenda rolled her eyes and said, “Seamus, I am not from these parts.”

“Oh, right. Well, tis beyond the tannery and that’s where I saw Gordon leave the box.”
