Page 34 of Highland Warrior

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“Do you ken what was inside it?”

“Some rolled up paper.”

“Seamus, promise me you will stay away from these men. They could be dangerous.”

“But… I cannot help myself, tis my nature to be curious.”

“What if I agree to watch these men instead and if I see something interesting, I’ll tell you? That way you would not get in trouble from your ma.”

“Aye, that could work.”

Yesenda filed away the information and planned to checkout this blackhouse and the Gibson farm as soon as she could lose the guardsmen.

It was sometime later. Yesenda was mixing a poultice when Lachlan entered the cottage. He frowned, then yelled, “She’s in here!” to someone outside. Before Yesenda could ask who he was talking to, the enormous form of Iain Henderson filled the doorway.

Yesenda was about to call a greeting, but paused when she saw Iain’s stormy expression. He was furious and his anger was directed at her. Iain stepped over the threshold and moved so fast. One moment he was at the door, the next he was towering over her. She dropped the mortar and pestle and shuffled backwards until her back came up against the wall.

Iain followed suit and placed both hands against the wall on either side of her shoulders. Effectively caging her in. He was breathing heavily, as if trying to rein in his temper before speaking.

“What did I tell you about not leaving the Keep without me?” he growled.

“I am sorry. I saw Tyra and decided to help. I didna mean to—”

Iain did not wait for her to finish her response. Instead, he firmly clasped Yesenda’s hand and started walking back toward the door.

“What are you doing?” Yesenda protested.

“I am taking you back to the Keep!” he snapped and continued to pull her behind him.

There were no words to describe what Iain felt in that moment other than livid. He’d gone to the Keep early to see if Yesenda needed an escort, only to discover her missing. He and his men scoured the Keep and surrounding area. As more time passed with no word of her whereabouts, Iain felt genuine fear for her safety. The thought of something terrible happening to Yesenda, especially with a stranger searching for her, created a fierce need within Iain to protect her. Suffice to say, he was besieged with worry.

So, when he entered the cottage to find her messing about with herbal pastes as if she did not have a care in the world, his brain imploded. He knew he was being completely unreasonable, but all he wanted to do was wrap her in soft wool and tie her to his bed to keep her out of harm’s way.

Tyra yelled, “Iain, stop! I told Yesenda she can help me and stay in Willa’s cottage while she’s here.”

Damn it to hell!Iain remembered he had told no one Liosa was staying in that cottage.

He also did not want Yesenda to think there was anything between him and Liosa.

Iain was at a crisis point. He realized at that moment that he had to decide between Liosa, who represented his past, or Yesenda, who symbolized the future.

“Yesenda cannot stay there. Tis already occupied,” he said and glared at Tyra.

Once it dawned on Tyra what Iain meant, she shouted, “You get Liosa out of there!”

“Liosa needs to remain there until I can makeotherarrangements.” When Iain spoke those words out loud, he knew right down to his soul that he was letting go of the past and embracing the future with both hands. He was going to see that Liosa left and never darkened his doorstep again.

Yesenda glanced between the two siblings in confusion when Liosa entered the cottage. Then she realized Iain had moved his lover into Willa’s cottage.

Yesenda tried to pull her hand out of Iain’s, but the big brute tightened his grip and refused to let go. If the situation was not already awkward, she would have kicked him in the shin, but there was an underlying tension thrumming through the longhouse and Yesenda decided it was best not to add more turmoil to the situation.

“Iain? Are you taking me to the markets today? You promised,” Liosa said.

“It will have to wait. I need to take someone back to the Keep,” Iain replied.

Liosa glanced at Iain, and Yesenda’s joined hands, and her eyes flashed with anger.

“Then I shall come with you too,” Liosa said. She marched toward the two of them and separated their hands, then dragged Iain out of the cottage, no doubt to have words.
