Page 35 of Highland Warrior

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Iain relented, but before he left, he paused, turned briefly, and gave Yesenda a piercing glance. “Dinnae go anywhere without me again.”

Yesenda just frowned, overcome with something akin to jealousy. Then she mentally slapped herself. Iain was not and would never be hers. She walked back to the table and resumed making a paste. She resolved to erase any fanciful thoughts about Iain bloody Henderson.

After the morning’s drama, the rest of the day went without incident. Yesenda spent the afternoon helping the Henderson women, Tyra, Willa and Fia, prepare supper while they enjoyed a dram of whiskey. They sat around the table in the longhouse preparing vegetables as they shared the local news. In that time, Yesenda learned everything she needed to know about Iain and Liosa’s relationship.

“Liosa Haxton comes and goes as she pleases. She was Iain’s first love, and they were together for a time. Then she causes trouble, and they part ways. She returns when she hears Iain might lose interest, then she’s gone again,” Tyra said.

Willa just nodded and poured herself another cup of whiskey.

“Like the time Iain courted a bonnie lass fromGlasgow. Liosa got wind of it and reappeared long enough to stake her claim, then she was gone again. Tis the same pattern over and over,” Fia said as she shelled peas.

“We dinnae like her for Iain. He deserves far better,” Willa grumbled.

“Where does she go after they part ways?” Yesenda asked.

“That’s the troubling thing. We dinnae ken, but we believe there is a wealthy merchant somewhere. One does not wear her fine garments without a steady supply of coin. Iain has begged for her hand in marriage many times, but she refuses,” Tyra said.

“She does not want him, but she cannot bear for him to find someone else, so she refuses to let go,” Yesenda said.

“Aye, you have the right of it,” Fia agreed.

Yesenda kept her eye on her task and sighed inwardly. She knew then any feelings she had for Iain would never be returned. While he might act protective around her, she was merely a duty to him. Liosa was the woman he chose repeatedly.

Yesenda decided life was too short to pine for a man who loved another. At that moment, she released her fanciful crush and was determined to keep her distance from now on.



Liosa followed Iain out of the cottage, then gave him a blistering earful as he continued to walk her to the markets.

“Why were you holding that woman’s hand? Who is she?” Liosa demanded.

“She’s our guest. I am charged with the duty of guarding her.”

“Find someone else to guard her, Iain.”

“I agreed to it. She needs to be kept out of harm’s way.”

“Do you have to hold her hand in order to keep her safe?”

Iain said nothing, but kept walking.

“Slow down! I cannot keep up.”

He slowed and waited for her to catch up to him. When she did, she tried to take his hand, but he shook hers away.

“Iain! Hold my hand, damn you.”

“Why? We are not together, Liosa. I ken you have family problems and need to remain here, but I think tis time you returned home. I’ll escort you to the markets, but tomorrow you will return to your home.”

She looked as if he’d slapped her.

“Dinnae look at me like that. I’ve told you; there is no longer anything between us. You dinnae want to marry or settle down, so what is the point? Besides, I have duties to see to and I cannot be escorting you about the place.”

“Oh, but you’re willing to take that whore everywhere!”

“She is not a whore! She is a sweet lass who has spent most of her life in an abbey. Dinnae be so disrespectful.”
