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It’s hard to believe I’ve put this off for so long.

“So,” Felicity says as we finish up eating. “Any chance I can see that house you’re working on?”

“Absolutely,” I say.

After we leave the restaurant, I tell her to follow me in her car, and we both drive over to the house. I enter it first and flip on some lights; when I turn around, the look of wonder on Felicity’s face warms my chest. She listens eagerly as I describe the plans for the place. Her eyes brighten as she takes it all in.

She asks questions as we go from room to room, showing genuine interest in the place. Gotta admit it: I’m touched by how much she seems to actually care. Most people’s eyes glaze over when I start talking about remodeling houses.

Not Felicity, though.

“We could put one of your rugs right here,” I say, gesturing to the living room floor. “That dark blue one you showed me would be perfect.”

“I can picture it, too,” Felicity says, and when she smiles at me, my heart bangs against my ribs. There’s heat between us. Undeniable heat.

Fuck, I want so badly to kiss her. I want to claim her lips with my own.

Don’t screw this up. Don’t. Or you’ll lose her completely.

“Tonight was fun,” I say, forcing my voice to stay even.

Felicity nods. The moment is over. “I had fun tonight, too.”

Chapter Six


“What the hellisthat?” I sputter as I sit up in the darkness, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I look around my dark bedroom, trying to figure out what woke me up. A few seconds later, I’m finally awake enough to figure it out: there’s a wet hissing sound coming from the bathroom.

I scramble out of bed and run into the bathroom, knowing it can’t be good. When I get there, I stare in horror at the water flooding the small room.


Quickly, I look around for the source. When I realize it’s coming from the toilet, I rush over to try and stop it. But no matter what I do, I can’t stop the water from pouring out of the pipe connecting the toilet to the wall. I try to shut it off, but the valve refuses to budge, no matter how hard I twist it.

Heaving a sigh, I give up, desperately trying to think of another solution. It’s too late to call a plumber, and if I leave it until morning, God only knows what kind of damage it’ll cause.

Not to mention how high my water bill will be.

Closing my eyes for a second, trying to just breathe and remain calm, a new thought comes to me:Of course. Call Holt.My eyelids fly open and I rush back into my bedroom to grab my phone from the bedside table.

Seconds later, his comforting voice fills my ear.

And what feels like only a few minutes later, he’s at my front door.

I stand out of the way and watch with gratitude as Holt steps into the bathroom. In moments, he’s got the water shut off and the pipe taken apart. He holds it up to me, showing me the cracks in it. I have no idea how that happened, but I don’t care. All that’s important is that the water has stopped flooding everywhere.

I tell him he doesn’t need to help me clean up the mess, but he just asks me for some more towels. Together, we clean everything up.

“I’ll pick up a new pipe and get it put in as soon as the hardware store opens,” he promises as he washes his hands at my sink.

“Thank you, Holt,” I say. “Seriously, thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver.”

“Glad I could help.” He dries off his hands on my hand towel, which looks tiny in his large hands.

I swallow, fighting off my feelings of desire for him. As attractive as I found him before this, I feel like I’m drowning in desire now. I have no doubt that if Holt and I were together, he would always take care of me, always be here for me.

