Page 26 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“That girl is a handful,”Snoopy said, tossing his knife into the side of a chunk of wood in the empty lot next to the clubhouse. It’d been vacant for a year, so the club purchased it, hoping to build on it. Instead, it turned into a spot where the members drank around a small fire pit, always within earshot of the clubhouse.

“No shit.” Cueball shook his head. “I accidentally—”

“On purpose,” Brewer added, popping a top off his beer.

“Yeah, whatever. So I walked in on her with Dolly, and that Irish girl nearly bit my head off.” Cueball chuckled. “But I kinda like her. She’s feisty.”

“That can be very useful in the bedroom,” Rubble commented.

Doc silently sipped his beer. His brothers could bullshit all day long. Normally it was fine. Today, though, it rubbed him the wrong way. Mostly because they were talking about Isa.

“An Irish lass is trouble,” Shovelhead said, spitting his chew into an empty bottle. “Mark my words, she’ll destroy us if we’re not careful.”

The older man stood and walked back into the clubhouse. The remaining Macha members burst out laughing.

“That guy is nuts,” Hawk said, tossing his own knife toward the target.

Snoopy nodded and lit a cigarette. “I heard Reaper tell Queenie that Shovelhead would never be president. Something about unsecured loyalties, whatever that means.”

Rubble sank into one of the lawn chairs around the fire pit. “It means Prez isn’t convinced the issues we had with the Greenback Cutthroats wasn’t due to Shovelhead.”

Snoopy and Cueball exchanged an uncertain glance. Doc couldn’t believe what he was hearing. From the look on Hawk’s face, neither could he.

“I heard Prez tell Queenie it’d be better to send him to Belfast.” Rubble eyed them all. “But none of that leaves with you.”

They all nodded. Being on Rubble’s bad side was a death wish, and they all wanted to see the dawn.

A chill from the mountains swept over the area, and Doc pulled his hood up. With Isa safely playing cards with Queenie and Dolly, he’d have a few hours to enjoy solitude with his brothers before returning to sentry duty.

“Think the Twelve Brothers will figure out who she is?”

They all stared into the orange flames.

“Yep,” Rubble replied, his voice husky. “Phantom made a lot of enemies when he took over Belfast. Not all the Macha members appreciate how he did it either.”

“You think somebody within Macha might be harmful?” Doc asked, the possibility not one he liked.

Rubble glanced to him and nodded. “It’s possible. Reaper and I have been meeting to discuss the possibility.”

Hawk retrieved his knife and sheathed it. “Anything we can do?”

“Not yet. I’ll let you know.” Rubble took a sip of beer. “I trust you all more than the rest.”

Doc looked to Snoopy and Cueball. He didn’t particularly trust them, but if their sergeant at arms did, it was enough for him. They were a brotherhood and would defend it until their last breaths.

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

One thing he knew for certain, he’d make sure Isa was fully prepared in case the Twelve Brothers came for her. She was the daughter of a legacy member and ought to know every inch of Macha. He was the man for the job.

“How’s the Irish gal getting along?” Brewer asked.

Doc pressed the bottle to his lips. “She received a few menacing emails the other night, but we couldn’t trace them.”

“They’re close, then.” Rubble sighed. “Dammit.”

Brewer took a long draw. “How’re the two of you getting on?”
