Page 32 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Isa chuckled and wiped away her tears. Her best friends could always cheer her up. “All right, all right, you convinced me. I’m in the right place for the time being.”

Orla took over the frame. “Is there anything else bothering you?” Her brown eyes searched Isa’s. “Are they treating you well?”

“If they’re not, I’ll kick all their arses,” Niall called from the shop counter.

Orla rolled her eyes. “Aye, love, you could totally take on Macha bikers and live to tell the tale.”

Propping a pillow behind her back, Isa wished she could reach across the phone and give her friends a giant hug. They’d do anything for her and vice versa. “Well, there’s this guy, and he—”

“Niall, pack a bag. We’ve a dumbass to kick in the bollocks.”

“No, no, nothing like that,” she rushed to say. “He’s nice. Sweet even.” Isa scratched her head. “Just a little different when he’s with the other MC members.”

Orla stopped yelling travel plans to her husband. “Hold the phone. Are you saying you like him? As inlikelike him?”

She slowly nodded, warmth flooding her cheeks. In all their years as friends, she’d never had a steady boyfriend. Dates now and then, but no man who ever made her heart leap.

“Ah.” Orla put her finger to her lips and walked out of the room. Only once she closed the door behind her did she speak. “Tell me everything.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Psh, poppycock.” Orla plopped into the office chair and positioned the phone on the desk so she could type on her laptop. “What’s his name?’



Nothing would keep her best friend from uncovering her crush, so Isa gave his club name and last name.

Orla’s fingers flew across the keyboard, eyes strict on the screen. “He’s from Iowa?”

“Yeah but moved here to help his uncle.”

More clicking from the other end. “And Reaper’s nephew? Oh, I think I found a photo on Macha’s website.”

Isa parted her lips to answer, but Orla was already ahead of her.

“Holy damn, he’s hot.” Her brown eyes flicked to Isa. “Girl, he’s extremely good-looking. I mean, I don’t usually like the tattooed vibe, but dang, this Doc guy makes it look sexy.”

“You have no idea.”

Orla sat back, a knowing grin on her pale face. “Ooh, do tell. Has he kissed you?”


“Shite, he has!” She sat forward, eyes alight. “Was it good?”

Isa thought back to the kiss on the motorcycle. She’d been kissed before, of course, but the way Doc kissed made it seem like the first time she’d had arealone. “Better than any other.”

“That’s not saying much.” She snorted. “So, what’re you going to do?”

“I’m not sure.” Isa swung her eyes to the ceiling fan slowly oscillating above her. Doc’s scent clung in the air, the fan a new form of torture. “You know I’ve never…. I mean….” She couldn’t say the words out loud. She’d never said them. But her friends knew.

“Does he know?”

“I think so. He’s protective of me. It’s rather charming.”

“How so?”
