Page 40 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“We’ll be ready for them,” Rubble added before Reaper finished the video call.

The members began talking once more, business not pleasure this time. Macha had a job to do, and they wouldn’t rest until it was done. It was one of the draws to the MC for Doc. His father had conveyed the same throughout his young life, and he couldn’t turn his back on his brothers.

Despite being the newest member, he was quickly roped into Rubble’s strategy. The man was always prepared and had a plan drawn up before they finished church. By the end, Doc was confident Macha would keep Isa safe. Every member was about to risk their life for one of their own. It was the Macha way, and one he was proud to be part of now more than ever.

Now to tell Isa.

* * *

“What’s going on?”Isa scowled at him from her perch on the bed. Her gray eyes were skeptical, head tilted to the side. In her oversized sweatshirt—hissweatshirt—and black leggings, she couldn’t look more appealing unless she was stark naked.

“We’re moving to the lodge. Prez’s orders.” He grabbed her suitcase and stuffed clothes into it.

“Ugh, you’re doing it wrong.” She slapped his hands away and unpacked the suitcase before she started folding the clothes.

Doc took a step back and reviewed the room. There wasn’t much to take to the lodge.

His eyes landed on Isa carefully placing her belongings in the bag. If he wasn’t in a hurry, he’d take advantage of that long braid of hers. Since tasting her the other night, he’d craved no other delicacy. Staying up half the night merely talking to the Irish beauty only solidified it for him. She wouldn’t be anyone else’s. Not if he had any say in the matter. She was too special, too pure, too unique to let a stranger change her.

He shook his head. His focus had to be on Rubble’s plan. They needed to take Isa to the lodge immediately. According to Phantom, the Twelve Brothers would figure out where Isa was within the week, and then they’d come for her. To Colorado. He didn’t like the thought. The sooner Isa was safely behind armored doors, the better.

Once the bags were packed according to her standards, Doc hustled them to one of the MC trucks waiting in the parking lot. He tossed the luggage in the back and started the engine. The bright beams from the pickup lit up the dark sky. Klink and Cueball followed close behind in case Phantom’s intel was incorrect.Better to have muscle in case of the worst.

He cranked on the heat when he noticed her shivering in the passenger seat.

“Are you going to tell me why we’re leaving the clubhouse this late?” she asked.

He eyed the clock on the dashboard. He hadn’t noticed the time. After church, his sole purpose was getting Isa to safety.

“How much do you know about the rival MCs in Ireland?”

She shrugged. “Not much. Phantom mentioned an MC when I arrived. I can’t remember much, to be honest. It was all a flurry of information, and then I was on a plane.”

Doc gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. “The Twelve Brothers is another MC in Ireland. Macha and them never got along, but once your dad—er, Phantom took over, they started encroaching on our territory.”

“And that’s bad?”

“When Macha livelihood is put at risk, yes, very bad.”

They passed an abandoned gas station and he noticed a sheriff on the side of the road. Boulder made sure to inform the local sheriff and police about the impending fight. Of course, the uniforms couldn’t condone any firefight, but they’d help if the time came.

He glanced over to see Isa staring out the window, legs folded beneath her on the seat. “Why do they want me?”

“Because you’d be the perfect chess piece in their fucked-up play for Northern Ireland.” He turned onto the gravel road, their destination closing in.

“I barely know my fath—Phantom.”

“Doesn’t matter. They think you’re his little princess and he would do anything for you.”

She brushed her braid behind her back. “He would.”

Doc noticed Hawk’s chopper up ahead. Klink and Cueball were still right behind him. Snoopy had left a few minutes before them on the off chance anything went awry, but no call rang out over the CB radio in the truck, so they were clear all the way to the lodge.

“Then I guess they’re right in targeting you.” He met her gaze and cursed himself for speaking so candidly. “But you’re safe. Macha will keep you safe.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. “I will keep you safe.”

The rumble of motorcycles got louder the closer they got to the lodge drive. He paused and rolled down his window. Hawk opened the gate and waved them through. They reached the top of the driveway in time to see Legs greet Snoopy.

“Looks like we won’t be alone up here,” Isa commented as Doc pulled into one of the garages and parked.
