Page 44 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Isa smiled and took a drink. Queenie immediately made her think of her mum.It’d be so nice tohave someone like a mum around again.

“There she is.” Reaper walked into the kitchen, three patch members plus Doc tailing him. He kissed Queenie’s cheek before pouring himself a cup of coffee. “How do you like our littlecasa?”

“Little?” She laughed. “This place is huge. I’ve only seen the main level and a bedroom. I can’t imagine what the rest of it looks like.”

Reaper added cream to his cup and took a sip. “In that case, why don’t I give you the grand tour? The boys and I have a few things to do today, but I have time to show you the ropes.” He glanced at Doc. “Unless my nephew would rather….”

“Like they’d get anywhere other than the bedroom,” Hawk heckled.

Rubble rolled his eyes whereas Brewer merely smirked. When she looked over to Doc, Isa was disappointed to see his brow furrowed while he studied his phone.

“I’m ready when you are.” She rinsed her glass and put it in the dishwasher before taking Reaper’s offered arm. Only Rubble followed; Hawk, Brewer, and Doc moved toward the backyard.

* * *

An hour later,Isa sensed a headache creeping into her skull. Reaper outdid himself on the personal tour. From the tech tower to the three bunkers, Macha was prepared for a zombie apocalypse.

She’d left the club president in the den, where a handful of members were playing pool, and walked toward the front door. Two boys darted out in front of her, and she slammed to a halt. Glancing around, she didn’t spot anyone chasing them, so she followed them to another set of stairs that went to a lower level she hadn’t toured.

Feminine voices carried along the air, and she curiously followed them. Reaching the bottom step, Isa scanned the basement that seemed to go on forever in both directions. The concrete posts throughout reminded her that this place was a bunker before it was a lavish residence.

Finally, she spied the two preteen boys hovering at the entrance of a new room. When she reached them, she understood why.So this is where the nymphs are hiding.

Isa peeked through the small crack in the door and held in a laugh. Dolly and four nymphs were playing cards around a circular table, but they weren’t what the boys were drooling over. No, it was the two nymphs on the opposite end of the room who were trying on new lingerie that captured their attention.

As if sensing their presence, Dolly glanced to the door. “Oye! You two little bastards better run. I’ll whoop you good this time if I catch you.” She stood and started for the door. The two boys backed up and right into Isa. They yelped, then ran toward the stairs.

The door swung open, and Isa gave the madam a shy smile. “Would you believe I followed them down here?”

Dolly smirked and jerked her head. “Come on in so I can close the door. Normally Queenie doesn’t mind the youngsters peeking, but with all the shit that’s about to hit the fan, the old ladies want their kids within spitting distance.”

Isa stepped fully into the room filled with lavish décor. The club wasn’t stingy with their motorcycles, and they were equally generous with nymphs. Her eyes widened at the assortment of lingerie hanging on one wall and the tent-like rooms set up side by side. She tripped over her feet when she noticed the sex toys lining another wall.

“I should probably go. This isn’t exactly my thing.” She looked around sheepishly. She’d never even been in a sex shop, and the easy way the women strutted around naked shocked her.

Hooking her arm through Isa’s, Dolly led her to the table and pulled out a chair. “Sure it is. You’re probably bored to death up there with the guys and their old ladies.” Her blue eyes sparkled. “This is where all the fun happens.”

Isa cleared her throat and looked around the room. The nymphs were good-looking but not perfect models. Some had curves while others were skinny. Their hair colors varied from brown to blue and several shades in between. It suddenly made her plain blonde hair seem insufficient for what a rough-and-tumble biker like Doc desired.

“They’re wigs,” Dolly said, cutting into her thoughts.


She pointed to the girls with blue and pink hair. “The guys like them to switch things up sometimes. You know, role play. So the girls have wigs for such occasions.”

The two women in question walked out the door.

“Who’re they going to?”

Shuffling the cards, the shorter woman eyed her. “You sure you want to ask questions like that?”

“Oh, no. I guess not.” Her face heated for more than one reason. “Has Doc ever…? I mean it’s none of my business, but has he…? Oh never mind.”

Dolly quickly passed out the cards. She could’ve been a dealer in another life. “I keep track of where my girls go, how long they’re there, and if anything of note happens while they’re with a club member.” She picked up her pile of cards. “Doc’s a frequent name on my list.”

“I see.” She rubbed her lips together, unsure what to think of the statement.

“Calm down, girl. Eventually every man needs to release pent-up energy.” She discarded and gave Isa a pointed look. “Know of any reason our Doc might be sexually frustrated?”

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