Page 67 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“Is he always so stubborn?

“Uh-huh.” Dolly grinned.

Isa chuckled. “Thanks for being honest, I guess.”

Dolly sat back and crossed her legs. “Girl, you’re not in a relationship with him.”

“Well, I know that, but—”

“No buts. I’ll give it to you straight.” She faced Isa on the couch. “Sometimes, women fall for the first guy they sleep with. It’s totally normal, but you need to prepare yourself.”

Frowning, she crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s not like that. Doc and I have a connection. We had one before sleeping together.” She instantly hated how naïve she sounded.

“Sure, sweetie.”

“I’m serious.”

“So am I. Look, sex is my job. I’m trying to warn you.” Dolly tightened her ponytail. “You’re under Macha protection. Doc’s protection. Of course he’s going to do everything in his power to keep you as close to him as possible. It’s not unusual for Macha men.”

Blood drained from Isa’s face. Suddenly the ham sandwich she ate an hour ago didn’t settle so well. “You’re saying he slept with me only because he wants to keep me safe?”

Dolly shrugged and pulled out her cell phone, checking the messaging app. “I’m saying don’t get emotionally invested. Once a playboy, always a playboy.”

Isa clenched her jaw. Surely the madam was wrong.

She tried to focus on the reality show on the big screen, but her mind wouldn’t let her home in on it. Their interactions filtered across her memory. She’d instigated their kisses and hours filled with sex. Not Doc. He didn’t want to hurt her; he’d said so last night. He’d purposefully restrained himself during sex. The whispers around the clubhouse reminded her that was abnormal. Doc wasn’t a soft, gentle lover.

Brewer popped his head in the room and called his sister away. Isa didn’t even hear them leave, just felt the empty loneliness fill the space.

Maybe I read too much into Doc’s words and actions.She tucked her feet under her and whined.You’ve done it this time, Isa.She had to accept Doc was doing his job. He said he’d do whatever it took to keep her safe, and evidently he meant it.

Bloody fool.

* * *

The distinct scentof roast chicken wafted up the stairs and to Isa’s room. She’d wanted to skip the big family dinner tonight, but her grumbling belly had other ideas. Putting down the book on Macha history written by one of the founding members, she slipped a button-up shirt over her pink tank top. The bedazzled shirt usually made her giddy, but not today. Not since she spoke with the club’s madam.

Heading down the hall, she watched the club from her perch at the top of the catwalk. Hawk was chasing a youngster around the living area, rubber snake in his hands, while the child laughed happily. Snoopy was chewing out a prospect about cleaning his roadster incorrectly. Brewer had a nymph on the line, the brunette an easy mark. And of course, there was Doc sitting on a leather recliner nearby, a nymph on each arm of the overstuffed chair.

Isa held her head a smidge higher and started down the stairs. Only once she made the bottom did she look anywhere but Doc’s handsome face. He hadn’t spotted her yet, which was fine with her. If Dolly was right, she’d accept the fact that she’d been a fool with Macha’s doctor.

Getting over him will be a whole different problem.

“You look comfy,” a low voice complimented.

Looking to her left, she smiled at Rubble. The big man didn’t normally socialize with her, but tonight, she was grateful for the distraction.

“Thanks. I am.” She looked down at her sweatpants. “Didn’t feel like dressing up for a meal.”

Rubble chuckled, the sound cheerful yet low and rumbling. He was the one biker she was wary of due to the sheer mass of the man. He was all muscle and beard.

“What do you look like without the beard?” she asked before she could stop herself.

Shifting his weight to his left leg, Rubble subconsciously stroked the long black beard. It was trimmed but wild enough to look the biker part. That paired with a perfectly shaved head and mismatched eyes made him appear unapproachable.

“Young.” He winked his blue eye, and she felt a blush creep up her neck.

They walked toward the dining room, Doc long forgotten in her mind. “I’d guess as much. But honestly, doesn’t it get hot with all that hair?”
