Page 74 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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He flicked on the lighter. “It’s the best shot he has.”

Hawk paused, then nodded. “All right. Here goes nothing.”

In one swift movement, Hawk yanked the plastic out of Snoopy’s leg, causing the man to jerk to consciousness. Doc moved fast and poured a thin layer of gunpowder on the wound, then held the lighter over the powder. Hawk held Snoopy down when he started to thrash against the pain. Once the powder sealed, Doc quickly placed a damp rag over the wound to put out the flame.

Snoopy’s body went slack, and they carefully pulled him out of the truck. The wind picked up, and Doc held tight to the winch rope as Hawk slowly carried Snoopy up the slope on his back.

Once they were at the top, he waited for a signal from Cueball to unhook the truck. After trying for five minutes, he cursed at the tight rope. It wouldn’t budge. Rain slicked his hands and he shook his head. The winch wouldn’t come loose.

“Doc, the mud’s getting faster,” Hawk yelled from the ledge.

His eyes flicked to the hill and he gritted his teeth. The mudslide was quickly picking up speed. If he didn’t hightail it to the road, he may never make it.

Abandoning the truck, he grabbed the winch and trudged through the mud. He lost his footing a few times but managed to crest the hill. Cueball and Hawk grabbed his hands and pulled him the rest of the way.

The truck on the road groaned at the winch, and Cueball hurried over to it. Grabbing an axe from the bed, he swung hard, and the thick rope flung out noisily.

The three peered over the edge and watched the fallen tree give way. The truck slipped next, slowly moving toward the edge. The loud crash of metal echoed alongside the thunder, and a strike of lightning flashed as the truck came to a stop at the bottom and burst into flames.

“Shit, that was a close one,” Hawk stated, clapping his back.

The flashing lights of the ambulance reached them, and they all sighed at the sight. “Let’s get back to the lodge,” Cueball said, smiling for the first time that night. “I think we’ve earned a drink.”

Doc grinned, and after filling in the paramedics on Snoopy and the small boy, he jumped in the truck and they started the trip back to their haven. He’d cheated death once more.

The night can’t get worse.

He buckled his seat belt and smiled. Isa’s pretty face was the only one he wanted to see the rest of the night.



The storm taperedoff slightly by the time they reached the lodge. Walking up the driveway, distant rumbles told Doc the night hadn’t seen its last flash of lightning. Cueball and Hawk joshed with each other, the mood light. After the near-death experiences earlier, he was all for a good vibe. One of the nymphs collected the children and hurried them in the side door, promising chocolate ice cream after baths.

As he neared the front door, the light above it flickered. His gut dropped at the sight. He’d helped Rubble replace all the bulbs last week, and they had two backup generators. There was no reason for the flashing unless something happened. He eyed the rest of the lodge but didn’t spy any other flickers.

The front door swung open, catching the trio off guard. Reaper filled the doorway, brows furrowed and gun drawn. He eyed his men and lowered the gun.

“She’s gone,” he shouted, his loud voice booming across the open air.

For a moment, Doc’s brain didn’t compute the words.

“Who?” Hawk asked, his gun in his hand.

Cueball glanced around the darkness. “What happened?”

Reaper bounded down the outside steps and placed both hands on Doc’s shoulders. “The Twelve Brothers have Isa.”

A wave of nausea pounded Doc, and his dinner threatened a reappearance. He swallowed it and tightly clenched his jaw. “No. She was safe here. We made sure,” he said through his teeth. He wouldn’t believe his MC failed to protect someone.

Patches and prospect alike poured out of the house from all exits. Rubble looked ready to kill someone, blood streaming down the side of his head. Evidently, Doc wasn’t the only one who wanted to commit murder in that moment.

“What the fuck happened?” he barked, breaking out of Reaper’s grip. He stalked over to Rubble and swung hard. His fist connected with the bigger man, and he cursed at the pain.

Brewer and Boulder pulled him away before another punch could be handed out.

“Calm down, Doc,” Brewer said, fighting to keep him from the sergeant at arms.
