Page 86 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Ireland.She took a deep breath, letting the island’s scents consume her nostrils. Only that didn’t happen. A combination of leather and oil overwhelmed the air instead.

She opened her eyes and glanced at Doc. They were overlooking the ocean, her hometown behind them. Niall and Orla weren’t in the shop yet, so she’d persuaded him to explore the countryside with her until the little Open sign popped up in the shop window.

“It’s gorgeous here.” His hair ruffled in the wind, his eyes hidden by dark sunglasses.

“Be glad it’s not raining.” She laughed and slowly turned in a circle, arms splayed. “But this is home for as long as I can remember. I never left the island much. Mum couldn’t bear to have me far.”

“Seems like a good place to raise a family.” His voice dropped off as if those words were meant to be a thought instead of verbalized.

She hid a smile. What they had wasn’t a passing thing. While she had limited experience with men, she’d seen all the romance movies and read all the raunchy books. A man didn’t change. Not unless he truly wanted to for himself. Doc wasn’t the same biker she’d met a mere three months ago. Just the same, she wasn’t the innocent woman who’d left Ireland either.

“I don’t know, I kind of enjoy Colorado.” She kept her gaze on the horizon, the sun bouncing off the waves. “It has an eclectic aura.”

His black boots shuffled through the green grass until he stood behind her, lacing his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. “You think so?”

“I do.” She turned her face just enough to see his smile. It’d knock her off her feet if he wasn’t holding her upright.


Whirling around, she nearly hit his nose at her quick movement. “Orla?”

Her best friend let out a whoop and started running toward them. Isa grinned, then broke into a full sprint.

“Oh God, you’re finally home,” Orla said once they collided in a mass of arms, tears, and laughter. “I’ve missed you.”

Isa pulled back. A faint shadow of a bruise lined her friend’s brow. “They did that to you?” Angry tears outweighed the excited ones. She traced the small line. “I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen.” She hugged her friend again, relishing their reconnection.

Orla stepped back and wiped Isa’s tears, then her own. “I’m all right, you loon. I told you a hundred times before you arrived.” She laughed. “It’ll make a great story for the baby someday.”

Isa held her out at arm’s length, eyes dipping to her friend’s stomach. “Wait, you’re… you’re pregnant?”

A secretive smile crossed Orla’s lips. She vigorously nodded. “I found out this morning.”

“Oh my God.” Isa pulled her in again for a hug, this time the tears ones of joy.

“Love, we’re about to open….” Niall’s words fell short when his eyes met Isa’s. “You’re back.” He grinned. “About bloody time.”

Isa held out her right arm and brought Niall into the group hug. Having her best friends with her once again felt better than she imagined. Tears mingled until she wasn’t sure whose were whose. She didn’t care. She was home, and her friends were safe.

A slight breeze brought Doc’s presence back to her, and she knew she wasn’t home anymore. Ireland wasn’t home.

She lifted her gaze to her biker. He was her home, and she never wanted to leave him again.

Sprinkles of rain suddenly started falling, and the group hurried into the shop. A torrential downpour happened the moment Doc closed the door, the bell announcing their entry. Isa walked behind the counter and rested her elbows on the wood. It all looked the same. The homemade lotions and soaps were still displayed by the register, the scent of lavender light but poignant. If she left, she’d be thousands of miles away from her dream store.

“You must be Isa’s biker,” she heard Orla say above the storm. She looked over in time to see a proud smile on Doc’s face.

“I am.”

Niall’s left brow lifted slightly. “I hear you saved our girl more than once.”

This time, he glanced her way and winked. “No more than she saved me. She’s quite wiry when she wants to be.”

Orla chuckled. “Yep, that’s our Isa. Feisty and fearless.”
