Page 89 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“I know you are.” He flipped her to her back. “I’ve craved you from the moment we met. And after a month, I’m desperate for you. For the way we fit so perfectly.”

Isa wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him closer. “Show me.”

As his answer, he slid his cock into her warmth. Her mouth dropped open involuntarily. The sensation of skin on skin was better than how she’d imagined it. “We don’t have protection.”

He leaned down and kissed her hard. When she came up for air, her mind was blank and vision blurry. Doc paused his hips and cupped her face. “I don’t want anything between us ever again.”

“But what if—”

“I love you more than life itself. That’ll only grow stronger if we have a baby. Unless you don’t want one. Then I’ll—”

“No. I do.” She rubbed her lips together. “I always thought I’d, um, be married.” She held her breath, waiting for his reply. They’d never discussed marriage and only just mentioned children moments earlier.

He eased out of her and she instantly felt lonely. He hurried off the bed and rummaged through his carry-on bag. She tilted her head, staring at his firm arse. It was bite-worthy, that much she knew for certain. Scars lined his body where bullets had grazed him. They didn’t scare her anymore. They made her love him even more.

He caught her gawking and gave her a cocky smile before walking back to the bed, right arm behind his back. He knelt next to her, his face filled with confidence.

“I love you, Isa. I’ve known since day one I wanted you as my own. You’ve shown me what it truly means to be a man. You brighten my life one moment at a time, and I don’t want the sun to ever set on our love.” He pulled a small box from behind his back and opened it.

Isa’s heart thudded against her rib cage. The deep green gem was unlike any other she’d seen before. It wasn’t one from a jewelry store the public could easily obtain. It was one of a kind.

“A normal ring isn’t you, princess. You’re the best kind of unique, and I wanted this to represent your past and our future.” He licked his lips. “There’s no one but you for me. Will you be my old lady?” He laughed. “My wife. My old lady. Damn, never thought I’d say that out loud.”

Isa’s eyes welled with tears. She leaned forward and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Aye,” she managed between kisses. “I’ll marry you.”

Doc let out a loud whoop and kissed her until her head nestled against the pillow. He slipped the ring on her finger and laid a gentle kiss on it. “You’ll always be my old lady, my wife, my Macha princess.



Four months.Damn, has it been that long already?

Doc parked his bike outside the shop and rested his helmet on the handlebars. Summer came and went, as did the turning leaves of autumn. Now, the winter winds blew in from the mountains, and the daily rides on his bike were shorter if not nonexistent.

He followed the sidewalk to the front door and pulled off his shades. The ski shop hadn’t changed much except for the addition of Isa’s line of clothes. He glanced over to her dedicated portion of the store. It was full of customers—men, women, and children alike—each one finding an item from her line to purchase.

He nodded to Queenie, who was helping a customer, and made his way up to the loft area. Originally, she’d wanted to put a café up there, but Isa quickly changed her mind and the duo made it a workspace. It was mostly for Isa, but with a comfortable recliner next to the window, Queenie also enjoyed the slice of heaven during the slow hours.

“Baby, where you at?” he called, not seeing Isa at her usual place by the drawing desk, courtesy of Brewer. Evidently, the redhead was a bit of a woodsman at heart.

“The loo. Be out in a moment.”

Doc walked over to the recliner by the window and grunted in pleasure at the soft plush. Snowflakes dotted the windowpane, telling him to put the bike away for winter. Snowshoe would be bustling soon enough with holiday shoppers and tourists. Once January hit, the town would be filled with extreme snow seekers thanks to the winter games. It was the club’s busiest time of the year and one that set them up for the down season.

“From what I saw, your clothes are flying off the hangers,” he said, hearing the bathroom door open and close. “Good thing we found that manufacturer in Denver to keep up with demand.” He stared out the window at the town already setting up for the Christmas holiday. “Hell, you’ll probably make more money than the club this year.”

“Maybe, but I’m afraid I won’t have much time for it in a few months.”

He glanced over and noticed her pale face. Worry immediately lined his gut, and he walked over to her. He kissed her forehead, checking her temperature. “What’s wrong? You don’t feel warm. Are you hungry?”

Isa’s hand went to her mouth, and she shook her head. “No. God, no.”

He stood in front of her and cradled her chin. “Tell me.”

Her gray eyes met his and all anxiety slipped away. She wasn’t sick, that much he could tell from her expression. “You remember how we got married?”

Doc thought back to their Halloween nuptials. It’d been one hell of a night, complete with a full moon and plenty of drinking. Her best friends and dad even flew over from Ireland to celebrate. “Yeah.”
