Page 90 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“Well, next year, we’ll have a little pumpkin to take trick-or-treating on our anniversary.”

For a split second, his brain stopped working. He slowly registered her words, and his eyes widened. He looked down at her flat stomach, then back to her face. “Really?” She nodded, and he placed a palm on her belly. “I’m gonna be a daddy?”


He whooped with joy and picked her up.

“Stop spinning me or I’ll hurl again,” she warned, patting his back.

Doc gently put her down and knelt in front of her. Lifting her shirt, he kissed her stomach. “You are so loved, little one.” He looked up to Isa. “Your mama is the best there is, so don’t give her too much grief.”

Isa threaded her fingers through his hair. “And your daddy is the best biker doc in Colorado.”

He got to his feet and tenderly kissed her. “And we’ll raise the baby with both parents. No running. No hiding. Just us against the world.”

She kissed him longer this time. “And we’ll teachherall about Macha.”

“Hell yeah.” He carefully rubbed her stomach. “And howheshould treat a woman.”

“Or howsheshould be treated.”

He chuckled. “All right, all right. Either way, I’m glad to have a miniature of us running around.” He lowered his voice. “And maybe even another one after that.”

She looped her arms around his neck. “One of each sounds good to me.”

“As long as I’m with you, I’m the happiest man alive.” Doc leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. He’d never have imagined this life. He fell deeper in love with her with each passing day. She made him better, and he never wanted to return to the life he once knew.

“I guess Cameron was right. Once I found the woman who makes my heart beat, I never want to be without her.”

Leaning back, she eyed him warily. “Who’s Cameron?”

He smirked. “Just a mobster I knew once upon a time. I used to give him shit for being so in love with his fiancée.” He kissed her nose. “But after falling for you, I get it.”

“Sounds like a good guy.”

“Yeah, he is.” Doc grinned. “You’d like him”

She kissed his jaw. “But not as good a man as you.”

Lifting her off the floor again, he led them over to the couch and settled her on top of him. “I’m only good because of you. I’m a mess without you, Isadora.”

“Did I hear somebody mention a baby?” Queenie’s voice drifted to the rafters, and he reluctantly paused his affections. There’d be plenty of time to show his old lady how much he loved her.

Isa swiveled just enough to say, “You already knew, Queenie.”

The older woman laughed and, to his surprise, didn’t join them in the loft. Isa turned back to face him and captured his lips. “Now, where were we?”

“I love you so damn much.”

“I know.” She cupped his jaw. “Now kiss me, Doc T, and never let me go.”

He closed the distance to her lips. He’d always give in to his princess’s demands.



The snowstorm tookover the town before she could prepare for it. After telling Doc the good news, she’d promptly reserved the loo for the remainder of the afternoon. He’d only left after she convinced him that Queenie would take care of her. Plus, he couldn’t very well drive her home on the bike today.
