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It would be understandable if she did.

“So, with my day off, I took a road trip to Spokane.” She lifted her gaze and met his. “I wanted some time to think and some time to see the house.”

“What? I would’ve gone with you, so you didn’t have to go alone. That’s some heavy stuff.”

“I know you would’ve.” She touched his arm and gave it a soft squeeze. “You’re amazing that way.”

Her touch felt almost platonic. Like a teacher reassuring a child.

You’re overthinking this, James. She’s clearly just had an emotional last twenty-four hours.

“Did you change your mind about selling it?”

“No. I’m still selling it.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shook her head. “I just wanted to go inside and see if I could feel any of his lingering presence, or get an idea of who he was. But there was nothing. It was just a house. I know it sounds kind of weird, but it’s just something I had to do.”

“I understand.”

This all felt off. Their whole dynamic had shifted. Was he imagining it?

“You’ve had a long day.” He rose. “How about I make us some dinner—”

“Wait, James.” She caught his arm and pulled him back down. “I’m not staying for dinner.”

His pulse quickened. “Okay. Do you have something else going on?”

“No.” She swallowed hard and her gaze dropped, but not before he’d seen the flash of sadness in her eyes. “This is actually my last stop of the night.”

He was a stop?

“I wanted to bring you back the things you left at my apartment.”

This couldn’t be good.

James accepted the plastic bag he hadn’t even realized she was carrying.

He glanced inside and saw a couple shirts, boxers, and toiletries he’d kept there.

His heart picked up.


“There’s no easy way to do this.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes now. “But I think it’s time to end this relationship.”

The air sucked from his lungs and his head went light. Dimly, he was aware of his head shaking in denial.

“Why are you doing this, Tori? We’re perfect for each other.”

She made a soft sound that was half-laugh, half-sob before she drew in an unsteady breath.

“Well, you’re pretty perfect for me, James, but I think you’re getting the short end of the stick in return.”

“No way,” he said fiercely. “Tori, you are an incredible woman. I know you’re upset, but you can’t just throw walls up like this.”

“I’m not doing it for me. I’m doing it for you. I’m always going to be a disappointment to you and your family.”

“No. You’re so completely wrong.”

“I’m not. I saw the way Kris looked at me when she realized what I’d done. I can only imagine how your parents reacted when Ryan told them.”
